– ढलते वर्षों में किसी के जीवन को प्रासंगिक और उपयोगी कैसे बनाया जाए
-एक उद्देश्य के साथ सार्थक जीवन कैसे जिएं।
इससे निपटने के लिए कोई क्या कर सकता है:
1. सकारात्मक और प्रसन्नचित्त होना वे महत्वपूर्ण गुण हैं जो वरिष्ठ नागरिकों में सफलतापूर्वक उम्र बढ़ने के लिए होने चाहिए। समान विचारधारा वाले लोगों के साथ अच्छे रिश्ते और स्वस्थ सामाजिक संबंध आपके जीवन को सुखद और आरामदायक बनाते हैं।
2. गतिशीलता के साथ अच्छा स्वास्थ्य उम्रदराज़ वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कारक है। अपनी पसंद के स्थानों की यात्रा करने में सक्षम होना, एक बड़ा वरदान है।
3. स्वस्थ आहार लें, पर्याप्त नींद लें और धूम्रपान और अत्यधिक शराब पीने से बचें। यह समग्र कल्याण को बढ़ावा देने में मदद करता है।
4. नियमित चिकित्सा जांच से गुजरें, क्योंकि ये आपको चेतावनी दे सकते हैं और सावधानी बरतने के लिए प्रेरित कर सकते हैं, जिससे भविष्य में होने वाली कुछ बीमारियों से बचा जा सकता है।
5. बढ़ती उम्र में चिंता को मात देने के लिए शांत और शांतिपूर्ण दिमाग बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। आध्यात्मिकता आपको शांत और शांत रहने में मदद करती है।
6. जीवन में उद्देश्य की भावना रखने से आपको उम्र बढ़ने के साथ प्रेरित रहने में मदद मिल सकती है
7. वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए कुछ रचनात्मक समय बिताना महत्वपूर्ण है जो उन्हें प्रासंगिकता और फलदायी होने का एहसास दिलाए।
8. सफल वृद्धावस्था में वित्तीय स्वतंत्रता महत्वपूर्ण कारक है। वित्तीय निर्भरता आपको बहुत तनाव में डाल सकती है। यदि आपके पास अभी भी समय है, तो यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अच्छी तरह से योजना बनाएं कि आपके सेवानिवृत्ति के वर्षों में आपके जीवन भर के लिए पर्याप्त आय प्रवाह हो।
9. अधिक सामूहीकरण करें. एक अच्छी सहायता प्रणाली के साथ सामाजिक रूप से जुड़े रहना सफल उम्र बढ़ने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।
10. आपके मतभेदों के बावजूद, आपके जीवनसाथी के साथ सौहार्दपूर्ण संबंध, सफल उम्र बढ़ने के लिए एक और बहुत महत्वपूर्ण कारक है। दोनों के बीच का सामंजस्य आपको सभी कठिनाइयों और कठिन समय से उबरने में मदद कर सकता है। समझ की कमी और बार-बार बहस करने से विपरीत प्रभाव पड़ेगा।
11. संज्ञानात्मक गिरावट को रोकने के लिए पढ़ने, लिखने, पहेलियाँ और नए कौशल सीखने जैसी बौद्धिक रूप से उत्तेजक गतिविधियों में संलग्न रहें।
12. अपनी रुचि के अनुसार अच्छी किताबें पढ़ने से न केवल आप रचनात्मक रूप से व्यस्त रहेंगे बल्कि आपके ज्ञान में भी वृद्धि होगी।
13. आराम, मनोरंजन, कल्याण और उत्पादक गतिविधियों के लिए पर्याप्त समय देने के लिए अपनी जीवनशैली पर दोबारा काम करें।
14. हमेशा अपने आत्ममूल्य को पहचानें और जीवन में अपनी उपलब्धियों का जश्न मनाएं। इससे आपको प्रेरित और ट्रैक पर बने रहने में मदद मिलेगी।
15. आपने अतीत में क्या किया या क्या नहीं किया, इसके लिए कभी भी अपराध बोध न रखें। आत्म-दया में डूबे रहने के बजाय बस प्रयास करें और वह करें जो आप सुधार कर सकते हैं। वर्तमान में जियो। आपके पास जो कुछ है उसके लिए आभारी रहें।
16. ऐसी गतिविधियों में शामिल होने का प्रयास करें ताकि जब आप इस दुनिया से विदा हों तो अपनी छाप छोड़ सकें।
17. अंतिम लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण बात, यह कभी न सोचें कि आप बूढ़े हो रहे हैं। सामान्य रहें और वर्तमान में जियें। दरअसल, अगर आप अच्छा आहार लेते हैं, अच्छा व्यायाम करते हैं और अपना समय रचनात्मक तरीके से बिताते हैं, तो आपको कभी महसूस नहीं होगा कि आप बूढ़े हो रहे हैं। सफल मनोवैज्ञानिक उम्र बढ़ने के लिए यह सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कारक है।
The two psychological fears to successful ageing are:
– How to make one’s life relevant and fruitful in the fading years
–How to Live life Meaningfully with a Purpose.
What one can do to cope up:
1. Being positive and cheerful are important attributes that Seniors must have for ageing successfully. Good relationships and healthy social connections with a like-minded people make your life pleasant and realaxed.
2. Good health with mobility is the most important factor for ageing seniors. Being able to travel to places of your choice, is a big boon.
3. Eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and avoid smoking and excessive drinking. lt help to promote overall well-being.
4. Undergo routine medical checks, as these can warn you & prompt you to take precautions which can avoid certain future ailments.
5. A calm & peaceful mind is very important to beat anxiety in ageing years. Spirituality helps you to be calm and peaceful.
6. Having a sense of purpose in life can help you stay motivated as you age
7. It is important for seniors to have some constructive pastimes which gives them a feeling of relevance and being fruitful.
8. Financial independence is important factor in successful senior ageing. Financial dependence can put you under a lot of strain. If you still have time, plan well to ensure that you have adequate income flows in your retirement years to last for your life.
9. Socialise more. Staying socially connected with a good support system is vital for successful aging.
10. Cordial relations with your spouse, in spite of your differences, is another very important factor for successful ageing. The harmony between the two can help you overcome all difficulties and hard times. Lack of understanding and frequent arguments will have the opposite effect.
11. Engage in intellectually stimulating activities like reading, writing, puzzles, and learning new skills to check cognitive decline.
12. Reading good books as per your interest will not want to make you constructively busy but will also add value to your knowledge.
13. Rework your Life-style to factor adequate time for rest, recreation, wellness & productive activities.
14. Always recognise your self worth & celebrate your accomplishments in life.This will help you stay motivated and on track.
15. Never ever have a guilt feeling for what you did or did not do in the past. Just try & do what you can to improve rather than indulge in self pity. Live in the present. Be grateful for what you have.
16. Try to engage in activities so as to leave a mark behind when you depart from this world.
17. Last but not the least, don’t ever think that you’re ageing. Be normal and live in the moment. In fact, if you take a good diet, exercise well and spend your time constructively, you will never feel that you are ageing. This is the most important factor for successful psychological ageing.
Who wants to die early? No one. Every one wants to live as long as possible, but yet fears the old age. It is because old age comes with its problems. Incidentally, there is no definite age when you are termed as] old. Officially too, there is no defined age for being considered old.
In the process of ageing, one really does not realise that when he has grown old. Practically speaking, you are as old as you think and feel and not as old as you look. The feeling of becoming old comes when one starts observing changes like wrinkles and sagging skin, shrinking body due to loss of muscle mass,greying/balding of hair etc.
As you grow old, certain age related ailments, life style diseases and sickness etc will may visit you as unwelcome guests which you cannot avoid. So accept them as a hard reality, look after them and be prepared to cope up with them effectively.
Take Aways
–you are as old as you think and not as old as you look.
-Age-related diseases may visit you as you grow old. So, be positive and accept them. Your Positivity will help you get over them.
What You Can do to cope up with Ageing
Give Highest Priority toNutrition
1. You are what you eat. Concentrate onvegetables, fruit, legumes, beans, whole grains, nuts and fish. Aim for at least five servings of fruits & vegetables each day.
2. Make your meals nutrition-dense. Pack as much nutrition into each meal as possible by concentrating on a diet which gives you maximum nutrition with less calories. Include ‘Super Foods’ in your meals. It is the most important factor for 50 plus. A Wholesome Breakfast can be a good way to start the day to get the essential vitamins and minerals and required amount of fibre. As a fifty plus, never miss your Breakfast. Consume foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.
3. Add more Proteins, Vitamin B12, B6, Calcium, Folate and Vitamin D to your meals, the natural way. They are essential to slow muscle loss, keep the bones strong and to slow cognitive decline. Even mild deficiency of Vitamin B12 can put older adults at risk for dementia.
4. Avoid Dehydration at all cost. Always stay hydrated as dehydration causes tiredness, dizziness and constipation.
–Have at least five to seven servings of fruits & vegetables each day.
-Never miss your Breakfast. It is The most important meal for 60 plus.
– Consume food containing all essential vitamins and minerals.
Working Out/Exercise comes next
Exercise will keep you Young. Regular exercise improves your overall health and longevity. It speeds up your metabolism and help you lose weight and build up muscle and bone mass.
IncludeAerobic activity. Moderate intensity exercises such as walking, swimming or cycling get your heart pumping and are easy to perform. These will build up endurance, improve lung and heart health, stamina and benefit the circulatory system.
Undertake Strength training. It helps build muscles and bone density and also improves the functional fitness. Older adults should start with the exercises using their own bodyweight like Squats, Push-ups, Sit-ups etc and build up on it subsequently.
Do Stretching. It keeps the body flexible and helps in continuing doing everyday tasks with ease. Yoga is a very safe and useful stretching exercise which is ideal for fifty plus.
Duration of Exercise. At least 150 minutes of aerobic activity, strength training and stretching exercises (all put together) every week is recommended.
Take Aways
-Be regular in exercising. It will keep you active and healthy.
–Your exercise regime must include aerobics, stretching and strength training, as per your capacity.
Boost your Mental Health
Remember that mental health has an impact on physical health and vice versa. Stimulate your brain by undertaking activities like crossword puzzles, playing cards, building your vocabulary, learning new skill, painting, playing music etc. Always keep Learning something new. Learning builds your brainpower, keeps you sharp and extends your life. Every time you learn something, your brain grows new cells. It will always keep you young, no matter what your age is. Your experience, knowledge and wisdom will decay if you don’t boost it by continued learning.
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
Henry Ford
Make yourself Emotionally Strong
Keep your mind in check. Your mind is generally engrossed in unwanted thoughts, mostly concerning regrets of the past or fear of the future, which adversely affects your physical, mental and emotional health.Always try to bePositive. See the glass half-full rather than half-empty. Be grateful for what you have than feel bad about what you don’t. Stop Worrying and Control your Stress. Practise Meditation. Itpacifies your mind and helps in managing stress.
Find a Purpose and meaning in life
One of the important challenges in the golden period is finding purpose and meaning in life. Having a clear purpose of life is the key to achieving contentment and eventually peace of mind. Embrace Spirituality. Spiritual People have a clear purpose which makes their lives meaningful. They are clear on: “Why am I here?” and “What kind of Impact do I want to make in the world?”
Socialising with like-minded people keeps you young and adds to the quality of your life. It makes your life worthwhile and enjoyable. If you do not have many friends in near vicinity, using social media is a good alternative. You can always find and connect to people of ‘your type’ just with a click on your computer or smartphone.
Make yourself useful to others
Volunteer and be of service to someone. With your experience and inclination you can always find areas in which you can be of help to others. Consider activities like coaching and mentoring to help others. Even simple things like participating in activities of your resident welfare associations will make you feel better.
Get a Good Sleep
We generally under-estimate the importance of a good night sleep. Getting a good sleep is as important as healthy diet and exercise, if not more. Both quantity and quality of sleep are important. If you want to improve your overall health (physical, mental and emotional), a good night’s sleep is of utmost importance. Lack of sleep can have serious health problems. Healthy sleep habits can make all the difference between good rest and restlessness. You can get a plenty of tips on how to get a good sleep on the web.
Monitor your Life Style
Maintain a good balance between productive engagements and leisure. Find time for your Grand Children, hobbies & pastimes. Be socially active, move more and stay physically active. Try and achieve ideal weight. Alcohol, if at all, should be consumed in moderation.A healthy person age 65 or older should drink no more than seven alcoholic drinks in a week, or three drinks in any given day. Don’t neglect yourself. Get regular medical check ups.
Make Ageing a Good Experience
If you take care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, you may not only live well in your golden years but may also be able to reverse your age. It is not unusual to find a person of 60 yrs with an agility and fitness of a 40 yrs old.
If you ignore your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual routines, the reverse may also hold true.
Ageing is inevitable and everyone has to go through it. With improved health consciousness and medical facilities, the Life Expectancy has increased across the world and the definition of becoming old has undergone a change. Today, 60 is the new 40. One has nearly 30 to 40 yrs more to live after 60. With age one goes through certain physical, mental and psychological changes. One needs to be aware about these changes and accept them gracefully. Enjoy your golden years of life by taking good care of your physical, mental and emotional health.
Changes after Age 60
Changing Priorities after 60
So your priorities in life change after 60. Till 60, you are presumably employed and have a busy life. Your priorities generally are your job, career, health and your family, in that order. However, after retirement when reaching 60, your priorities change to Health, your post-retirement finances, living life meaningfully, staying relevant, being socially active and fulfilling your Bucket List.
Physical Changes after 60
With ageing, You will gradually start seeing changes in your body. Don’t get disturbed when you observe wrinkles, sagging of skin or shrinking body shape due to loss of muscle mass, increase in weight, greying/balding of hair etc. There will be other physical changes too which happen gradually as we age like painful joints, stiffening of arteries, loss of hearing and change in your vision. Accept these changes positively as a part of your ageing process. Do your best and take care of your body by staying physically and mentally active.
Mental Changes after 60
There are mental changes too. You may realise that you are not mentally as sharp as you used to be. You may have difficulty in recalling names, recognising people and remembering facts. Stimulate your brain by undertaking activities like jigsaw puzzles, playing cards, building your vocabulary, learning new skill, painting, playing music etc. Remember that mental health has an impact on physical health and vice versa. Use your experience, knowledge and wisdom effectively to stay mentally active and arrest you cognitive decline.
Psychological changes after 60
Gradually, one also starts to feel the loss of identity, the purpose of life and how to be meaningfully and productively occupied. The feeling of ageing with fear of sickness and health also start haunting, at times. The older you grow, the more isolated you become. There are times when you are anxious, worried and lethargic for no specific reason. Life appears worthless to you. This is when one starts having bouts of anxiety and stress which further harms both the physical and mental health.The main causes of these psychological effects are:
Availability of more time for yourself after retirement than before and the freedom to pass this time the way you want to do
Reduction in disposable income with stoppage of regular monthly paycheques and fear of losing out on finances
The realisation of the need to make your life relevant by being helpful and contributing to society in any manner.
The greater need for a fulfilling social relationship and feeling of being wanted.
The realisation of Living life Meaningfully with a Purpose.
The need to rework your Life-style-activity plan factoring lower income and increasing expenditure on health and wellness in future.
Desire to engage in productive activities so as to leave a mark behind when you depart from this world
What 60 Plus must do to cope up
Maintain a good Health
Always remember, you are an asset to this world so long as you enjoy a good health or else you become a liability. Your holistic health includes physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual health.
Keep a check on your Biological and Subjective age to remain younger than your age.
There are three ages, chronological, biological, and subjective or psychological. The first is calculated based on our date of birth; the second is determined by the health conditions and the third is how old you feel you are. While we don’t have control over the first, we have some control over the later two. You can reduce your Biological age with Exercise, Nutrition, Emotional State and control over stress levels. A positive attitude and optimistic thinking can reverse the third age. It makes you feel younger. Lower ‘subjective age’ or ‘psychological age’ has a significant effect on your physical and mental health.
Add balance, flexibility & strength exercises in your daily routine. It improves your balance, posture, and the quality of your walking. It also reduces your risk of falling or fear of falls.
Always keep Learning something new
Learning something newadds value to your life and keeps you sharp. Learning builds your brainpower, keeps you sharp and extends your life. Every time you learn something, your brain grows new cells. It will always keeps you young, no matter what your age is. Your experience, knowledge and wisdom will decay if you don’t boost it by continued learning.
Monitor your Finances
Most retirees have mainly retirement corpus, pension and social security (in some countries) to live on. You may have income from any part-time job that you may undertake or rental income, if any. You have not only to preserve your nest egg but also make efforts to make it bigger through investment to last your entire life.
Be Relevant through Meaningful engagement
After Retirement, it is easy to while away this time by sleeping late, watching TV, doing household chores or playing with your grandchildren. These activities may keep you busy but will not give you a sense of fulfilment. So engage in activities which add value to your life like learning a new language or skill, starting a new venture or doing something which contributes to the community. Before departing from this world, you must leave a mark, create a memory or make as many people happy as possible.
Have a Good Social Life
It gives you a sense of belonging and makes you feel wanted. It makes your life worthwhile and enjoyable. It provides support and help keeping your stress levels in check.
Make & Fulfil your Bucket List
Make a Bucket List, if you do not have one. Make all out efforts to achieve all items in it before it is too late. Your list may include places to travel, skills to learn, people to meet, and doing anything else that matter to you most. Life is not endless, and you may not have the adequate strength to achieve many of the activities, if you postpone it indefinitely.
Modify your Life Style
Make a routine which balances leisure and entertainment with activities which give you a feeling of fulfilment. Your routine must cater for time for your wellness activities, your productive pastimes, entertainment and socialisation.
Exploit your Experience and Knowledge
Volunteer and use your knowledge and experiencefor the benefits of others. Consider activities like coaching and mentoring to help others. Your mind will always remain sharp.
Have a good night sleep
Sleep is as important after sixty as in childhood. You need 7 to 9 hours of slumber every night.
Overcome the fear of death
by going spiritual. Spirituality frees you from the psychological fear of dying which is a common cause of worry and anxiety.
In addition to having a comfortable material life and a reasonable health, one of the most important needs for enjoying good quality life is to be engaged in activities which give you a sense of fulfilment. Seniors who have hobbies and pastimes like playing golf, cards, reading, writing etc have a better sense of well being. If you do not have any pastimes, it is essential that you cultivate some hobbies which keep you busy and help improve Quality of your life.
Health and Wellness is Most Important
Let us face it, the most important factor for enjoying the best quality of life is your health and wellness state. When we talk of health, we refer to the holistic health which includes physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Any deficiency in any of these aspects would affect the quality of your life. For your physical health, good nutrition and regular exercise are important. When we are young, we generally take our health for granted and are very casual about it. It is only when we start facing issues which restrict our full physical potential do we start caring for it. So, as seniors, the highest priority needs to be given to one’s health and wellness. If health is under control, other aspects for improving quality of life can be managed. Negligence in this regard may prove costly.
Guarding against Depression
Apart from gradual deterioration of their physical health due to aging, seniors are at a risk of being affected by Depression. The feeling of losing relevance in life and not being useful anymore, makes them feel unwanted. It is important to check this feeling by being socially connected. Also, for a strong emotional health, one should be stress free and have a positive attitude. Techniques like Yoga and Meditation have proved to be quite effective in achieving the right balance. To ensure a good mental health, seniors must always keep exercising their mind. Never stop learning something new everyday.
Travel to explore the world
Travelling brings in excitement in life and improves physical, mental and environmental well being. Seniors who do not have any serious mobility issue must travel to explore the world. This will make them energetic, adventurous, happy and significantly add to the quality of their life.
Include Senior Friendly Features at home
Your standard of your living definitely impacts your Quality of Life. Make necessary changes at residence by including senior friendly features like non skid tiles/stones in washrooms, railings for support at appropriate places, slopes with low gradient instead of stairs etc. Remember that senior friendly features are good for all ages.
Technology can play an important role
Technology is another area which helps in improving Quality of Life of Seniors. Today, the technology has a lot to offer in terms of senior health care, home automation, medical advice on line, alarms and reminders for medicines etc. Smart speakers such as Amazon Echo and Google home are a boon for elders.
1. Routine Activities.
Today, the technology has made it possible do a variety of routine activities through tabs and smartphones. Easy availability of Digital Personal Assistants (Alexa, Google Home, Siri and Cortana) which are packed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and can perform many routine tasks with a fairly high degree of reliability just by voice commands. They are a boon for elders. The smartphones and digital personal assistants can help elders with :
Reading/Listening News (in any language)
Setting Alarms and Reminders (possible by voice command)
Making a ToDo list and shopping (through voice)
Giving current information about weather and traffic (by voice)
Assisting in Fitness and Meditation Routines through audio and video Apps.(also possible through voice commands)
Playing music and movies/videos for entertainment (possible through voice commands)
Social Connections – Video Chat and social media Keep Seniors in touch with their near and dear ones irrespective of distance.
Home automation like switching on/off lights, TV and other appliances.
Remembering your Passwords and places where you kept your things.
Assisting in shopping on line and even booking cabs online.
Help fight against loneliness and isolation.
Online Learning and exercises to prevent cognitive decline.
2. Medication. Reminding you to take medicines in correct dosage on time. Getting medical advice and information including doctor reports, test results. There are a number of smartphones apps which make this possible.
3. Security & Safety. Seniors living alone can get help with the Push of a Button through Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), a device which allows the wearer to call for help with the simple push of a button. For seniors who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or the ones who are prone to wandering, a number of GPS tracking devices can monitor a senior’s location and send alerts.
3. Senior Work Out and Exercise. A number of video apps assist seniors’ in getting their bodies and minds moving are available today
4. Health Tracking. Smartphone apps and information tracking systems can help seniors in keeping their medical history, physician contacts, medication schedules etc updated which can be accessed by relatives, caretakers and physicians.
On his 60th Birthday, Antony looked no more than 45 yrs old. When people asked him, “What is the secret of your health and good looks?” He remarked “ I have been keeping a strict watch on my diet. I have always had home cooked food to ensure that I get all essential nutrients appropriate to my age. I do’t remember when I last visited my doctor.” This is a good example of how a good diet and nutrition can add years to your age. If diet and nutrition is neglected, the reverse is also true.
There is a very strong relationship between nutrition and healthy ageing. To age well and stay healthy and strong, you need to understand this relationship. As you age, many changes take place in your muscles, bones, digestive system and all our internal organs. While these changes are out of your control, but your diet and nutrition which can influence these body systems and organs, is well within your control.
The daily calorie needs for men over the age of 50 are approximately:
–2,000 calories if not active.
–2,200 to 2,400 calories if moderately active.
–2,400 to 2,800 calories if regularly active.
While on one hand, you need less calories due to a sedentary life style, on the other, your requirement of nutrition goes up. Therefore, it becomes important to match your reducing food intake(caloric requirement) with the increasing nutritional requirements as you age.
What all 50 Plus need to Ensure
It is essential that all seniors pack as much nutrition into each meal as possible by concentrating on the foods rich in Essential Vitamins and Minerals. It is important that you always consume nutrition dense meals within the limits of your calories.
You need more Proteins, Vitamin B12, B6, Calcium, Folate and Vitamin D to slow muscle loss, keep the bones strong and to slow cognitive decline. Even mild deficiency of Vitamin B12 can put older adults at risk for dementia.
A Wholesome Breakfast can be a good way to start the day to get the essential vitamins and minerals and required amount of fibre. As a fifty plus, never miss your Breakfast. Also make Breakfast the most important meal of the day.
Increase intake of potassium while reducing intake of sodium to lower risk of high blood pressure. Select and prepare foods with little or no added salt.
Consume foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s are important for reducing inflammation wherever it comes up.
Most of the fats you eat must be polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. This will help to reduce cholesterol levels and protect your heart.
Take care to consume wholesome foods which include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy plant-based fats. This will provide you with essential vitamins and minerals and will reduce the risk of many diseases.
Aim for five servings of fruits & vegetables each day. These are packed with important nutrients to help you stay healthy. Have a mixture of different coloured fruits and vegetables each day
Fiber and Water are other two nutrients which the 50 plus need in adequate quantity in diet. Always stay hydrated to avoid tiredness, dizziness and constipation. Fiber helps lower your risk for heart disease and prevents type 2 diabetes.
Absorb some sunlight. Our bodies use sunshine to make Vitamin D. Vitamin D can increase serotonin levels among other benefits. Aim for half an hour of the sun exposure at least twice a week.
Add probiotics to your diet to improve your gut health. Yogurt and other fermented foods are a good source of probiotics. indian Dosa, Idli and Dhokla are a good example of cereal based fermented food.
Do not consume foods high in ‘empty calories’ like sweets and unhealthy snacks.
It is always better to get the nutrients you need from food, rather than the pill. It is because nutrient-dense food contains fibre and other things that are good for you. Supplements, if needed, must be taken only on medical advice. Remember that excess of vitamins and minerals taken through supplements can be toxic to the body.
It is important to know which are the essential Vitamins and Minerals and their sources. To make your meals nutrition-dense, we need to include ‘Super Foods’ which can give you better nutrition with less calories.
Essential Vitamins
There are 13 essential vitamins that our body needs. They are Vitamin A, B (Group of 8), C, D, E and K. These Vitamins are absorbed by the body out of the food we eat. If we are eating a balanced diet, the body gets adequate quantity of these vitamins. Assuming that we do not have any disease or abnormality which prevents us from absorbing these vitamins, there should be no need for taking any supplements.
Unlike the 13 vitamins, there are 60 minerals required by the body to keep it going. However, only 17 are mentioned by researchers as the most important ones to keep the body working. The minerals can also be categorized into two groups: macronutrients and trace minerals. Macronutrients are required in huge quantity whereas the trace minerals as required in small quantity by the body.
There are certain foods which have exceptional benefits are termed as Super These foods are ‘Nutrient-Dense’ as they contain high level of much needed vitamins and minerals. They are also a source of antioxidants which shield our body from cell damage and diseases. To package the necessary nutrition in limited calories, individuals who are 50 plus need to consume these nutrient-dense super foods to make good their nutrition requirement. There is a long list of such foods that have been added all over the world. Most of the Superfoods come from the plant kingdom. Always consume Super Foods which are grown locally in your region over the others that are hyped and exported.
An oatmeal is high in fiber, antioxidants & has plenty of other nutrients. Oats help reduces your cholesterol levels, aid in digestion and even improves metabolism. Oats are also a good source of iron, calcium, and thiamin.
One egg has six grams of protein, 70 calories, and loads of healthy vitamins and minerals. Eggs are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acid, proteins and vitamin D. Eggs are considered safe in spite of their cholesterol contents as research has shown that cholesterol in our food has less impact on our blood cholesterol than previously thought.
It is packed with vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet. Broccoli stands out for its exceptionally high levels of vitamin C and folate (which can reduce risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke)
Fish and seafood
All fish are excellent sources of lean protein and iodine.It is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The bottom line is that they are essential to your diet, meaning your body cannot produce them so they must be obtained from foods you eat. Fish has long been considered “brain food,” and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Nuts and Seeds are full of proteins, minerals, vitamins, fiber, healthy fats and antioxidants which are vital for the body. They are also a source of folate, calcium, zinc, potassium, manganese. These are:
It belongs to the family of legumes but is treated more as a nut. The peanut is one of the most inexpensive healthy foods you can buy. Peanuts provide loads of protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.
Sweet potatoes are loaded with antioxidants like beta-carotene, which improves your eyes and vision health. They’re also a great source of fiber and rich in potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which helps your body fight off oxidative damage.
This rough and tough green beats out all the rest in terms of nutrition, providing more antioxidants than most other fruits and veggies. It’s also a fantastic source of fiber, calcium, and iron.
Brown rice is among the healthiest (and cheapest) superfoods you can buy. It is rich in fiber and may reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases. People who eat brown rice instead of white may help lower their risk for type 2 diabetes.
Quinoa is one of the only grains or seeds that provides all nine essential amino acids our bodies can’t produce themselves. And it has much as eight grams of proteins per one-cup serving.
Greek Yogurt is thicker, creamier variety of regular Yogurt.A great source of protein and calcium. Yogurt contains live cultures commonly known as probiotics. These are the “good bacteria” that keep your digestive system healthy and working smoothly and fight off harmful bacteria, boosting the immune system.
It has antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamins that promote vision and bone health. One cup of the spinach packs up to 12 percent of the recommended daily dose of calcium and enough vitamin K to help prevent bone loss .
Strawberries. Strawberries are a sweet source of disease-fighting antioxidants. It is rich in fiber and it has more vitamin C than an orange.
Blueberries. Recent research suggests that blueberries are rich in nutrients that help to fight chronic diseases. They are nutritional superstars, filled with fiber, vitamin C, and cancer-fighting compounds.
Goji berries. Goji berries contain a lot of vitamin C and are rich in plant-based antioxidants and compounds.
CranberriesCranberries have a number of health benefits and disease-fighting powers. These help fight inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve oral health, help prevent ulcers and may even inhibit the growth of some human cancer cells
Beans and Legumes.
These are rich source of proteins, fiber, iron and vitamin B. They help in reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels and increasing healthy gut bacteria. These contain folate, manganese and thiamine. These are:
It is an antioxidant which has been used as a natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart disease. It contains a phytochemical that slows irregular cell growth, which could potentially help prevent the growth of some cancers.
Like chocolate, cacao powder contains flavonoids, which are known to help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain and heart. With fewer than 15 calories per tablespoon and containing almost no fat, cacao provides a strong chocolate flavor without the guilt.
Herbs and Spices
Garlic. Itcontains vitamins C and B6, manganese, selenium and other antioxidants.It is used to treat anything from high blood pressure and heart disease to certain types of cancer.
Ginger. Health benefits include relieving nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness, and pain.
TurmericIt contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatoryand antioxidant properties. It is also an excellent source of fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium.
Citrus fruits.
Oranges, lemons, limes, pineapple, tangerine and grapefruit are all rich in fiber and vitamin C, as well as the bioflavonoids that boost the immune system and aid in tissue growth and repair.
Other Lesser Known Superfoods
As there is no strict definition of Superfoods, there are a number of other foods which are termed as superfoods due to their high nutrition contents. If these superfoods are locally grown in your region, prioritise them over the others. These are listed below: