Health and Wellness

अपनी जीवन शैली बदलें। प्राकृतिक तरीके अपनी जिंदगी जिएं।

Live Life the Natural Way

प्रकृति ने हमें स्वस्थ रहने के लिए बनाया है.

आदमी इस दुनिया में बिना किसी चीज के पैदा होता है, बिना कपड़ों के। प्रकृति ने हमें जीवित रहने और स्वस्थ जीवन जीने के लिए सब कुछ बनाया है। इसने सभी वनस्पतियों और जीवों, फसलों, स्वच्छ हवा और पर्याप्त पानी के साथ दुनिया को बहुत सुंदर बना दिया है – वह सब कुछ जो मनुष्य को स्वस्थ और सुखी जीवन के लिए चाहिए। पुराने दिनों में लोग असंसाधित ताजा भोजन, स्वच्छ हवा और पानी का आनंद ले रहे थे। उनकी जीवनशैली प्रकृति के करीब थी। प्राकृतिक तरीके से जीने ने उनके शरीर को हानिकारक जीवों के खिलाफ सही प्रतिरक्षा प्रदान करके खुद को ठीक करने में सक्षम बनाया।

प्राकृतिक परिवेश के संपर्क में आने से न केवल व्यक्ति ऊर्जावान महसूस करता है बल्कि उसके शारीरिक, भावनात्मक और आध्यात्मिक स्वास्थ्य में भी सुधार होता है। ताजी स्वच्छ हवा का अहसास, पक्षियों की चहचहाहट और प्राकृतिक जीवन की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता आपको तरोताजा कर देती है।

आधुनिक तकनीक ने हमें प्रकृति से दूर कर दिया है

आज, हम एक कृत्रिम दुनिया में रह रहे हैं और शायद ही कभी प्राकृतिक स्वच्छ, स्वच्छ और ताजी हवा, भोजन और पानी तक पहुंच पाते हैं। प्राकृतिक वनस्पतियों और झीलों के विशाल हिस्सों को कंक्रीट के जंगलों में बदल दिया गया है। हमने इसके दुष्प्रभावों को ध्यान में रखे बिना हर चीज को प्रदूषित कर दिया है। उपज बढ़ाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले कीटनाशकों और रसायनों के परिणामस्वरूप भोजन के पोषण मूल्य से समझौता हुआ है। भोजन संसाधित और कृत्रिम रूप से सुगंधित हो गया है। फार्मास्युटिकल उद्योग के प्रचार ने हमें पोषण में कमियों को दूर करने के लिए दवाओं और सप्लीमेंट्स पर निर्भर बना दिया है, जो प्रकृति आमतौर पर अन्यथा प्रदान करती है। जीवन प्रतिस्पर्धी, तेज और भौतिकवादी हो गया है जिसके परिणामस्वरूप उच्च तनाव का स्तर है। सूचना क्रांति और कंप्यूटर और सेल फोन की हमारी लत ने मामले को और खराब कर दिया है। यह सब हमारे सभी खराब स्वास्थ्य और तथाकथित ‘आधुनिक जीवन शैली रोग’ का कारण है।

आप अपनी जीवन शैली को प्रकृति के सबसे करीब कैसे बना सकते हैं।

समग्र कल्याण के लिए लक्ष्य

समग्र स्वास्थ्य के लिए, हमें मन और शरीर दोनों का इलाज करना चाहिए। वैज्ञानिक अध्ययनों ने मन और शरीर के बीच संबंध स्थापित किया है। सभी रोग मन और शरीर से संबंधित कई कारणों का परिणाम हैं। इसलिए जीवन के लिए एक दृष्टिकोण लागू करना महत्वपूर्ण है जो शारीरिक, मानसिक और भावनात्मक स्वास्थ्य की समग्र भलाई प्रदान करता है। संतुलित आहार, उचित शारीरिक व्यायाम और हलचल और तनाव को नियंत्रित करने के लिए प्राकृतिक उपाय इस तरह से जीने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण उपाय हैं कि प्रकृति हमें जीना चाहती है। स्वस्थ जीवन शैली प्रकृति के नियमों के अनुसार होनी चाहिए। इसके सिद्धांतों का पालन करने से आपकी प्रतिरक्षा में सुधार होगा, रोग का प्रतिरोध होगा और आपको एक लंबा, स्वस्थ और उपयोगी जीवन मिलेगा।

भोजन सबसे महत्वपूर्ण औषधि है

हिप्पोक्रेट्स ने कहा, “भोजन को हमारी दवा बनने दो।” हमारा शरीर एक रासायनिक प्रसंस्करण कारखाना है, इसके लिए कच्चा माल भोजन है। हममें से अधिकांश को हमारे लिए आवश्यक पोषक तत्व नहीं मिल रहे हैं। उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले पोषक तत्वों का उत्पादन करने के लिए एक अच्छा आहार आवश्यक है। प्रकृति के साथ रहना कच्चे और अपरिष्कृत खाद्य पदार्थों से बने संतुलित आहार की वकालत करता है जीवन सब्जी और फल, अंकुरित अनाज, रोटी और सलाद। स्वाभाविक रूप से जिएं, पौधे आधारित आहार लें, ताजे फल और सब्जियां अधिक खाएं। ये आपके पाचन में सुधार करेंगे और आपको वह सारी ऊर्जा देंगे जो आपको चाहिए।

आगे बढ़ें और अधिक व्यायाम करें

मशीनीकरण और स्वचालन के परिणामस्वरूप आंदोलन और व्यायाम में कमी आई है। शरीर का व्यायाम करने और उसे टोंड रखने के लिए लेक योग, ब्रीदिंग एक्सरसाइज, स्ट्रेचिंग वेट ट्रेनिंग की तकनीक महत्वपूर्ण हैं। पुराने दिनों में, लोग अपने दैनिक काम, पैदल चलना, साइकिल चलाना आदि करके पर्याप्त व्यायाम प्राप्त करते थे। आज लोगों को शरीर की ज़रूरतों के लिए ज़रूरी व्यायाम और कसरत के लिए समय निकालना होगा।

अपने दिमाग पर नियंत्रण रखें

तनाव को स्वाभाविक रूप से प्रबंधित करें। तनाव आधुनिक जीवन का उपोत्पाद है। कुछ तनाव आपके लिए अच्छा है लेकिन बहुत अधिक चिंता और खराब स्वास्थ्य का कारण बन सकता है। एक हल्का तनाव स्वीकार्य है क्योंकि यह आपके कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए आपको आवश्यक प्रेरणा और शक्ति देता है, लेकिन आज की प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक दुनिया में, आप पर भारी मांग रखी जाती है जो आपके संसाधनों और क्षमता से कहीं अधिक है और जल्दी जलने का कारण बन रही है। ध्यान, गहरी सांस लेने और योग जैसे तनाव से राहत पाने में आपकी मदद करने के लिए आप अपने दिमाग को नियंत्रित करने के लिए प्राकृतिक तरीकों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

आप क्या कर सकते हैं

1.प्रकृति के साथ तालमेल बिठाकर जीनेकी बुनियादी बातों पर वापस जाएं

2. स्थानीय खरीदें; जैविक खरीदें

– जहां तक ​​संभव हो स्थानीय और सीधे स्रोत से उगाए गए जैविक उत्पाद खरीदें। जहां भी संभव हो, अपनी सब्जियां और फल खुद उगाएं। हमेशा अपना खाना खुद बनाएं और बाहर के खाने से परहेज करें।

3. मुख्य रूप से शाकाहारी बनें।

—याद रखें, मनुष्य शारीरिक रूप से शाकाहारियों के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं। इसलिए मुख्य रूप से शाकाहारी होने का प्रयास करें। यदि आप इसे पूरी तरह से टाल नहीं सकते हैं, तो मांसाहारी भोजन का सेवन सीमित करें।

4. हमेशा हाइड्रेटेड रहें

– रोजाना कम से कम 2 से 3 लीटर पानी पीने की आदत डालें।

5. अधिक समय बाहर बिताएं

– फिट रहने के लिए प्राकृतिक तरीकों की तलाश करें। जब भी कम दूरी के लिए जा रहे हों, तो बाहर अधिक समय बिताएं और पैदल चलने और साइकिल चलाने का विकल्प चुनें। लिफ्ट के ऊपर सीढ़ी का प्रयोग करें। अपने वाहन को अपने गंतव्य से कुछ दूरी पर पार्क करें और चलते समय दृश्यों का आनंद लें। अपना पसंदीदा खेल खेलने के लिए समय निकालें। अपने बच्चों के साथ बाहर खेलें। हर दिन स्ट्रेच करने के लिए समय निकालने का एक बिंदु बनाएं।

6. प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा को गले लगाओ

– प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा को अपनाएं क्योंकि इसमें योग, श्वास व्यायाम, ध्यान, तेल मालिश, सौना आदि जैसे व्यायाम और अन्य प्राकृतिक उपचार शामिल हैं जो शरीर से विषाक्त पदार्थों को मुक्त करने में मदद करते हुए शरीर की प्राकृतिक उपचार प्रक्रिया में सहायता करते हैं। इसका कोई दुष्प्रभाव नहीं है।

– योग, सांस लेने के व्यायाम और ध्यान को अपनी दैनिक आदत बनाएं। ये प्राकृतिक दृष्टिकोण तनाव को कम करने और आपको अधिक शांतिपूर्ण महसूस कराने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं।

– प्राकृतिक प्रतिरक्षा बढ़ाने वाले खाद्य पदार्थ, जड़ी-बूटियाँ और आवश्यक तेल शामिल करें जो आपके शरीर को बीमार होने से बचाने में आपकी मदद करते हैं।

– जहां तक ​​संभव हो, रसायनों से बने उत्पादों और पैकेज्ड और प्रोसेस्ड फूड का उत्पादन करने वाली सभी फैक्ट्री से बचें।

– अपने आप को प्राकृतिक शारीरिक मालिश से उपचारित करें। ये मालिश मांसपेशियों को आराम देती है और शरीर की कोशिकाओं को फिर से जीवंत करने में मदद करती है

7. अध्यात्म को गले लगाओ

-अध्ययनों ने साबित कर दिया है कि आध्यात्मिक लोग बेहतर स्वास्थ्य का आनंद लेते हैं और लंबे समय तक जीवित रहते हैं। ऐसे लोग हमेशा शांत, मानसिक रूप से मजबूत होते हैं और बीमारी और पीड़ा से निपटने के लिए उनमें बेहतर प्रतिरोधक क्षमता होती है

8. स्वच्छ और प्रदूषणमुक्त वातावरण में रहें

—यदि आप इसमें मदद कर सकते हैं, तो शहरों से ऐसे स्थान पर दूर रहें जो आपको स्वच्छ और प्रदूषण मुक्त वातावरण प्रदान करता हो। विषाक्त पदार्थों के कम जोखिम, सुरक्षित और हरे भरे परिवेश के परिणामस्वरूप बेहतर रहने का वातावरण न केवल आपके वर्षों में जीवन जोड़ता है बल्कि आपके जीवन में वर्षों को भी जोड़ता है।

9.स्वयं की देखभाल के लिए हर्बल और प्राकृतिक उत्पादों का उपयोग करें

स्वयं की देखभाल के लिए कृत्रिम/रासायनिक सौंदर्य प्रसाधन, लोशन, डियोडरेंट, लिपस्टिक, साबुन आदि का उपयोग मानव त्वचा और शरीर के अन्य भागों को नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है। गैर विषैले सौंदर्य प्रसाधन, हर्बल त्वचा देखभाल उत्पादों और प्रसाधन सामग्री का प्रयोग करें। आप व्यक्तिगत देखभाल के लिए महंगे लोशन के बदले नारियल, जैतून या सरसों के तेल जैसे सामान्य खाद्य तेल का भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

10. इंटरनेट फास्टिंग

– कभी-कभार फास्टिंग के अलावा, समय-समय पर स्विच ऑफ करें और अपने सभी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों से थोड़ी देर के लिए अलग हो जाएं और ब्रेक लें। यह व्रत आपकी कार्यक्षमता में सुधार करेगा।

11. हर साल एक पेड़ लगाएं

-कम से कम हम धरती माता को चुकाने के लिए हर साल कम से कम पेड़ लगाने का संकल्प तो ले ही सकते हैं।

12. पर्यावरण के अनुकूल उपायों को लागू करें

– जहां संभव हो, प्राकृतिक प्रकाश और वायु प्राप्त करने के लिए सौर ऊर्जा का व्यापक रूप से उपयोग करें और हरित भवन अवधारणा का उपयोग करें।

-इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन, कार-पूल या सार्वजनिक परिवहन का उपयोग करें

-हमेशा एनर्जी_एफिशिएंट उपकरणों का इस्तेमाल करें।

– उपयोग में न होने पर लाइट और उपकरणों को बंद करके बिजली की बचत करें।

हमारे लाभ: कम लागत पर स्थायी स्वास्थ्य

इस प्रकार, ग्रह को हरा रखने के अलावा, प्राकृतिक जीवन स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण में सुधार करने में मदद करता है। स्वस्थ जीवन शैली प्रकृति के नियमों के अनुसार होनी चाहिए। इसके सिद्धांतों का पालन करने से आपकी प्रतिरक्षा में सुधार होगा, रोग का प्रतिरोध होगा और आपको एक लंबा, स्वस्थ और उपयोगी जीवन मिलेगा। एक अतिरिक्त लाभ के रूप में, प्राकृतिक जीवन की लागत आधुनिक तकनीक द्वारा प्रदान किए गए विकल्पों की तुलना में कम है।

अपनी जीवन शैली बदलें। प्राकृतिक तरीके अपनी जिंदगी जिएं। Read More »

Change your Lifestyle. Live the Natural Way

Updated on September 21st, 2022

Change your Lifestyle to live with nature

Nature Created us to be Healthy

Man is born in this world without anything, in birthday clothes. Nature has created everything for us to survive and live a healthy life. It has made the world very beautiful with all the flora and fauna, crops, clean air and sufficient water –  everything that human beings need for a healthy and happy living. In olden days people were enjoying unprocessed fresh food, clean air and water.  Their lifestyle was close to nature. Living the natural way made their bodies capable of curing themselves by providing it the right immunity against harmful organisms. 

Exposure to natural surroundings not only makes one  feel energetic but also improves his physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The feel of fresh clean air, the chirping of birds and scenic beauty of natural life rejuvenates you.

Modern Technology has moved us away from nature

Today, we  are living in an artificial world and rarely find access to natural clean, hygienic and fresh air, food and water. Vast stretches of natural vegetation and lakes have been converted to concrete jungles. We have polluted everything without taking into account its’  side effects. Pesticides and chemicals used to enhance yield have resulted in compromising the nutritional value of food. Food has become processed and artificially flavoured. The promotion of pharmaceutical industry has made us dependent on drugs and supplements to make good the deficiencies in nutrition, which nature would normally otherwise provide. The life has become competitive, fast and materialistic resulting in high stress levels. The information revolution and our addiction to computers and cell phones has made the matter worse. All this is the reason for all our ill health and so called ‘Modern Day Life Style Diseases.

How can you make your lifestyle closest to nature.

Aim for Holistic Wellness

For holistic health, we must treat both mind and body. Scientific studies have established a connection between mind and body. All diseases are a result of multiple causes pertaining to mind and body. Therefore it is important to apply an approach to life which provides  for overall wellbeing of physical, mental and emotional health. A balanced diet, appropriate physical exercise and movement and natural measures to manage and control stress are important measures to live in a manner the nature wants us to live. The healthy lifestyle should be according to the laws of nature. Adhering to its principles will improve your immunity, resist disease and give you live a long, healthy and useful life.

Food is the most important medicine

Hippocrates said, “Let food be our medicine.”  Our body is a chemical processing factory, the raw material for it is food. Most of us aren’t getting the nutrients we need. A good diet is essential to  produce high quality of nutrients. Living with nature advocates balanced diet made from raw and unrefined foods life vegetable and fruits, sprouts, wholemeal bread and salads. Live naturally, eat plant based diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. These will improve your digestion and give you all the energy you need.

Move and Exercise more

Mechanisation and automation have resulted in lack to movement and exercise. To exercise body and keep it toned, the techniques Lake yoga, breathing exercises, stretching weight training are Important. In olden days, people  used to get adequate exercise by doing their daily chores, walking, cycling and so on. Today, people have to take out dedicated time for necessary exercise and workout for the body needs.

Control your Mind

Manage stress Naturally. Stress is the by-product of modern day living. Some stress is good for you but  too much can cause anxiety and poor health. A mild stress is acceptable as it gives your necessary motivation and strength to accomplish your tasks, but in today’s competitive world, the heavy demands are placed on you which far exceed your resources and capability and is leading to early burn out. There are natural methods you can use to control your mind to help you in stress relief like meditating, deep breathing and yoga.

What you can do

1. Get back to the basics of living in harmony with nature

2. Buy Local ; Buy Organic

Buy organic products grown locally and directly from source as far as possible. Wherever possible, grow your own vegetables and fruits. Always cook your own meals and avoid eating outside.

3. Be predominantly Vegetarian. 

Remember, Humans are anatomically designed to be Vegetarians. Therefore try to be predominantly Vegetarian. Restrict the intake on non vegetarian food, if you can’t avoid it altogether.

4. Always stay Hydrated

Make it a habit to drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water everyday.

5. Spend more time outdoors

Look for natural ways to stay fit. Spend more time outdoors and opt for  walking and cycling, whenever going for short distances. Use the staircase over the lift. Park your vehicle at a distance from your destination and enjoy the scenery as you walk. Take out time to play your favourite sport. Play with your children outdoors. Make it a point to find time to stretch every day.

6. Embrace Naturopathy

Embrace Naturopathy as it includes exercise like Yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, oil massages, sauna etc and host of other natural treatments which aid the body’s natural healing process while helping to release toxins from the body. It has no side effects.

Make yoga, breathing exercises and meditation your daily habit. These natural approaches are designed to minimise stress and make you feel more peaceful.

Include natural immune boosting foods, herbs and essential oils that help you protect your body from become sick.

Avoid products made from chemicals and all the factory produced packaged and processed food, as far as possible. 

Treat Yourself with Natural Body Massages.  These massages relax the muscles and helps in rejuvenating the body cells

7. Embrace Spirituality

–Studies have proved that spiritual people enjoy a better health and live longer. Such people are always calm, mentally strong and have a better immunity to cope up with illness and suffering

8. Stay in clean and pollution-free environment

If you can help it, stay away from cities at a place which provides you clean and pollution-free environment. Improved living environment resulting from reduced toxin exposure, safer and green surroundings not only adds life to your years but also  adds years to your life.

9. For Self Care use herbal & natural products

For self care, use of artificial/chemical cosmetics, lotions, deodorants, lipstick, soaps etc can harm human skin and other parts of body. Use non-toxic cosmetics, herbal skin care products and toiletries. You may even use normal edible oil like coconut, olive or mustard oil in lieu of expensive lotions for personal care.

10. Internet Fasting

–In addition to occasional food fasting, periodically, switch off and detach from all your electronic devices for a while and take a break. This fasting will improve your performance.

11. Plant a tree every year

–The least we can do to repay to Mother Earth is to take a vow to plant at least on tree every year.

12. Implement Environment-Friendly Measures

–Use Solar energy extensively and green building concept to get natural lighting and air, where possible.
–Use Electric Vehicle, Car-Pool or Public Transport
–Always use Energy_Efficient appliances.
–Conserve Electricity by switching off lights and appliances when not in use.

Our Gains: Lasting Wellness at Lesser Cost

Thus, apart from keeping the planet green, natural living helps in improving health and wellness.  The healthy lifestyle should be according to the laws of nature. Adhering to its principles will improve your immunity, resist disease and give you live a long, healthy and useful life. As an additional benefit, natural living costs less than the alternatives provided by modern technology.

Change your Lifestyle. Live the Natural Way Read More »

Travel can helps you live longer

Updated on October 5th, 2022

Live a Long Life



Travelling for rest, recreation and change of environment has always been an essential part of our life. But are you aware that people who take vacations and travel often are comparatively healthier and live a long life. There is enough evidence to prove that there is a direct link between leisure activities associated with travel and overall health and wellness.


The primary reason is that travel promotes and exposes you to exciting activities which make your happy and add years to your life. It is important that we must periodically travel to rejuvenate and re-energise ourselves from time to time. Take the example of Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas had a busy corporate life. His hectic schedule had left him exhausted and stressed. Unable to maintain a desirable work life balance, his relation with his spouse were not at its best and monotony had set in both his work and family life. It is at this stage, he undertook a week long vacation abroad with his spouse. The trip did wonders to him. It rejuvenated him and brought back excitement in his life. He got back to his work with new zeal and interest. His bonding with his spouse improved. Recalling his trip always makes him feel positive about life.We all feel energetic and revived after an eventful holiday trip. We all cherish the memories of such trips for life. We feel good whenever we recall the enjoyable and quality time spent during such trips.


“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page..” -Agustine of Hippo

“Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.” – Dalai Lama

Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have travelled.” – Mohammed

The quotations above amply bring out the impact that travel can have on our Life.Travel brings about an overall improvement in our Physical, Mental, Emotional, Environmental and Spiritual well being.



On your travel trips, your physical activity increases as a result of walking and strolling on sightseeing, shopping etc. You exercise a lot more during your travel trips than at homeOn one such trip, my health tracker showed me that I had covered 15,000 steps on a day without being conscious about it.

Travel invokes a spirit of adventure. On tours, people do undertake some unplanned adventure activities like para sailing, scuba diving, snorkelling, kayaking, trekking etc after getting motivated by seeing others. These activities combine exercise with recreation.

With improved health consciousness, people undertake Wellness and Medical tourism for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through medical, physical, psychological or spiritual activities.


The general feeling of enjoyment, happiness, excitement and positivity contributes to your mental fitness. Our exposure to the new things in various places makes us more creative and productive. Travel gives us an opportunity to meet new people make friends, see new cultures and experience a new way of life. Helps us make social connections which are considered to be good for mental health.


It is a known fact the the life in today’s materialistic and competitive world has become stressful. Travel allows our mind to get away from the daily stresses of life, refreshes our mind and brings in joy and excitement. The time spent together with your family during vacation for enjoyment is never forgotten. It keeps the family happy and united.


We all are exposed to heavy pollution in the city life, be it air, noise , water and lately the Radiation Pollutions (where we are exposed to electromagnetic radiations from cell towers and all our electronic devices) which all have a adverse effect on our health in the long run. Travel to places away from cities in the midst of nature gives us the much needed relief.
In corporate culture, people are mostly tied to their office chairs glaring at their computer screens and have a very little opportunity to move about. Travel gives them a break from the monotony from their routine and brings in a welcome change with the new environment with an opportunity to do lots of new things.


Taking time for yourself to travel to a comforting place can do wonders for your mind. When you are at a place where your mind can keep out distractions, you will have a better connection with yourself. This allows you to set your mind on the right path for overall wellness. Some activities to take part in when on a trip can be spiritual discourses, meditation, yoga or taking a temporary vow of silence to discover yourself.


So, what are you waiting for? Get out of your comfort zone, identify new places, plan your trip and venture out to improve the quality of your life by travelling to new places. Explore the world and lead a life full of energy, adventure, excitement and happiness.

Travel can helps you live longer Read More »

You can reverse your age.

Updated on September 24th, 2022

What is your age? Whenever you talk about your age, you are referring to the chronological age which is the number of years you have lived since birth. But is it your actual or real age? Has your body aged as per your chronological age or is it younger or older than your age? Ask this question from a number of  people who do not know your exact age “How old do you think I am ?” The figure you get may be different from your chronological age.  People will estimate your age by your looks, health and your energy levels as perceived by them.      Now ask yourself as to how healthy and energetic you feel? Do you feel as energetic and healthy as you were when you were ten years younger or do you always feel tired and feel that the age has caught up with you?  Answer to these questions will give you a rough indication of your biological age (also known as physiological age or real age of your body). Putting it all together, if your looks, energy levels and state of your physical, emotional and mental health is better than that of an average person of your age, then your biological age is less than your chronological age. Lower Biological age is a good sign and a fact to be proud of.

Your chronological age which is just the number of years you have existed after your birth. It will continue to increase at a set rate with time. On the other hand, biological age is calculated on the basis of your physical, emotional and mental state. Biological age gives your real age or true age of your body. It is quite possible that an individual with a chronological age of 60 may have a biological age of 40 years and a person with chronological age of 40 years may have a biological age of  60.   

For healthy ageing and longevity, what is more important is your biological age or body age rather than your chronological age. In fact your biological age is more closely tied to the risk of age-related diseases than your chronological age.

While have no control over your chronological age, you can always take certain steps to reduce or reverse your Biological age. You can have a body of 30 years in a 50 yr old person. It is ideal to start the the process of checking and controlling your biological age while you are young but if you have missed the boat, the good news is that it is never too late. You can start at any age and reverse your biological age to the extent possible.

How do you determine your Biological age? There are several ways that you can determine your biological age, but none are absolutely definitive or accurate. However, these methods do give you a fair idea of your body age. 

Know your Biological Age

One such real age calculator  is Health Age Calculator which calculates your Biological Age taking your personal inputs on your heart health, medical, nutrition, psychological aspects and security. 

You can calculate your biological age by giving inputs in the calculator below starting from Personal aspects:

Know Your Real Age

The Biological or Real age that you get from the calculators may be lower or higher than your chronological age. If it is lower, it is a matter of satisfaction. If it is higher, it is a wake up call for you. The good part is that there are health factors that would reverse your biological age and give you years back on your average life expectancy.

Why do we Age?

You may not realize that your body actually replaces itself, cell by cell, every seven to fifteen years. The old cells die and new ones are formed through the process of division. 

The nucleus of every cell contains Chromosomes which have protective endings known as Telomeres. Every time that a cell divides, a small telomere part falls off from end of the chromosome resulting in shortening of Telomeres. Over a period of time, telomeres gradually get shorter and shorter. This is what causes ageing and increasing of Biological age.

How can you reduce your Biological age?

Fortunately, there are certain life style and environmental changes through which we can lengthen our telomeres and reverse our Biological age.

To reduce your biological age, you need to address all the factors affecting the biological age.

Primarily there are three sets of factors which determine your biological age. These are genes, Life style and Environment. You inherit your genes, so you have no control over them. It is estimated that your genes contribute to nearly 30% towards your ageing. The balance 70% is controlled by your Life style, habits and environmental factors. Therefore it is important to control this 70% if you want to reverse your biological age.

Working Out/Exercise

To negate the effects of ageing and reversing the trend, physical exercise and workout is the most important factor.

New research has confirmed the power of lifelong exercise in keeping our muscles healthy at all ages.

-Exercise speeds up your metabolism and help you lose weight.

-It helps in building muscle and bone mass.

-It improves both heart and lung function and increases your energy levels.

-It helps preventing diseases and illness.

-It has a positive impact on stress levels by boosting the level of endorphins in your body.

-It improves your brain health and reduces the risk of cognitive decline.

-It gives you relaxation and improves the quality of your sleep.

-Exercise not only makes you feel younger and improves overall health and longevity. 

How Much of Exercise must be undertaken would depend on one’s age, physical state and capacity. If you have not exercised at all for a long period of time, it is recommended to consult a physician before undertaking and deciding any exercise routine.

Aerobic activity is  moderate intensity exercise such as walking or jogging, swimming or cycling may be undertaken to get the heart pumping. These exercises build up endurance, improve lung and heart health, stamina and  benefit the circulatory system. 

Strength training must be undertaken to help build muscle and bone density. It would also improve the functional fitness. Older adults should start with the exercises using their own bodyweight like Squats, Push-ups, Step-ups etc and build up on it subsequently.

Stretching keeps the body mobile and flexible and helps in continuing doing everyday tasks with ease. Yoga is a very safe and useful stretching exercise which is ideal for fifty plus.

Duration. For all 50 plus, at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity, strength training and stretching exercises every week is recommended.  They may alternate between aerobic and strength exercises, working up to at least 30 minutes of exercise, five days each week.


-Nutrition is another important factor to control and reverse ageing process.

-Nutrition is crucial for the body. Ensure that at Fifty plus, you consume more Proteins, Vitamin B12, B6, Calcium, Folate and Vitamin D to slow muscle loss, keeping the bones strong and to slow cognitive decline.

 -Pack as much nutrition into each meal as possible by concentrating on the foods rich in Essential Vitamins and  Minerals

-A Wholesome Breakfast can be a good way to start the day to get the essential vitamins and minerals and required amount of fibre. As a fifty plus, never miss your Breakfast.

-Consume foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s are important for reducing inflammation wherever it comes up.

-Essential fats are also for hormone production. Healthy fat source could include avocado, olive oil, peanut butter or fish oils. 

-Aim for five servings of fruits & vegetables each day. These are packed with important nutrients to help you stay healthy.

-Include adequate quantity of fibre in your diet and always stay hydrated.

-Include Super Foods  in your diet which can give you better nutrition with less calories.

Intermittent fasting and reducing the caloric intake by 20 to 30% while maintaining intake of essential nutrients, is confirmed to be a sure means to extend life span. 

Emotional State and stress levels

-Some stress is unavoidable and makes us keep going. However, excessive stress places strain on our immune system, interferes with our hormones and slows our metabolic rate.

-Learn techniques for stress reduction and management, such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing. Develop a  positive mindset. A positive mindset can have a beneficial effect on your longevity.

-Most people feel younger or older than they really are – and this ‘subjective age’ has a big effect on their physical and mental health. so never say ‘I am ageing’

Modify you Habits/Improve your Environment

If you smoke, quit smoking immediately.

If you drink, cut down to one drink  a day.

Practice a good sleep routine by turning off all lights & screens and getting in bed 30 min before sleep time. Sleep at least 7 to 8 hrs every day.

Maintain a good balance between work and hobbies/pastimes.

Always stay calm and manage your stress through meditation and deep breathing.

Always think positive as positive mindset improves longevity.

Maintain a good relationships with your family, friends and near and dear ones.

Move more. Exercise through activities you enjoy.

Get regular medical check ups.

Try and achieve ideal weight. Always watch what you eat.

Build social connections.

Always learn something new to keep your brain healthy.

Guard against all type of pollution including radiation pollution from mobiles, TVs, computers etc.

You can reverse your age. Read More »

Travel to live longer


Updated on October 1st, 2022

Travel Rejuvenates & makes Life Exciting

Mr Parker retired from his job at the age of 60 and looked forward to a peaceful retired life. He had planned his retirement well and worked out a fixed routine starting with yoga and exercise in the morning followed by a round of Golf every alternate day, reading and occasional socializing with entertainment. He enjoyed his daily routine as it gave him adequate physical exercise, rest, recreation and mental stimulation. However after six months, the routine became monotonous and boredom had started to set in. While he was looking for some change, he noticed a very attractive tour package to Thailand. He had never been to a foreign country earlier. He grabbed the opportunity and undertook a week long package with his spouse. He not only enjoyed each moment of the trip but also made some good friends. Being first time out of the country, they as acouple took a good number of pictures with all attractions in the background.

After return, he got back to his routine with a new energy and vigour as the monotony had been broken. The trip had rejuvenated him and  brought back excitement  in his life. His bonding with his spouse improved as the trip gave them adequate time between themselves with no responsibility of daily chores. Every now and then they recall the good times spent in Thailand and looking at the pictures always made them feel positive about life. Now Parkers undertake one such trip every six months.


Parker’s case is not unique. We all feel energetic and rejuvenated after an exciting holiday trip. Don’t we not cherish the memories of such trips till date?  Don’t we feel positive whenever we recall the enjoyable and quality time spent during such trips? I am sure that the answer to these questions is always a big “Yes”.


Importance of Travel

Travelling for recreation and change of scene has been an essential part of our today’s stressful life. Here I would like to share some quotations which highlight the relevance of travel:

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page..” -Agustine of Hippo

“Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.” – Dalai Lama 

“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – Lin Yutang

“Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have travelled.” – Mohammed

Opportunities to Travel and Explore

While active and employed,  one gets enough opportunities to  travel and see new places, especially if one is on a transferable job or on a job that  involves touring and travelling. I myself being from such job have changed residence nearly 20 times to different towns/cities in India and  at times to remote areas and abroad as well.

Every transfer gave me an opportunity to visit all tourist attractions within the motorable distance. In addition, I always made it a point to plan a long-distance domestic/foreign holiday with children at least once a year. As a result, I have visited nearly all the tourist attractions in my country India and many of those located in 15 different countries in the world.


Benefits of Travel

With my experience of travel, I can make following comments with confidence:

Travel makes Life after Retirement Exciting

Enjoying Travel after Retirement

After retirement, one has adequate time to plan and travel for recreation, rest and relaxation. Resources are also generally not an issue, presuming that one has planned his retirement well.  

Do not postpone your travel plans. Remember that after retirement you are ageing, and if you postpone it, you may not have the energy to undertake such trips. You don’t even have a certainty that you will live till you are old. It would be in order to plan at least one trip(domestic or foreign) once in six months.

Travel creates Lasting Memories

Beautiful waterfall in Kerela in India

The experience of an eventful vacation leaves a strong imprint on you and help you create lasting memories.

Travel Breaks Monotony

A view of a city in Europe

Travel gives you a break from the monotony of your routine and brings in a welcome change with the new environment with an opportunity to do lots of new things.

Travel helps you Relieve Stress

A soothing view

Travel allows your mind to get away from the daily stresses of life and allows make your feel rested and relaxed.

Travel Refreshes your Mind

Beautiful sunset view calms you mind

It makes us feel energetic and rejuvenated and helps us to undertake whatever we are doing better. It refreshes our mind and brings in joy and excitement.


Travel makes you more Creative and Productive

Waterfall in Coorg, India

Travel broadens our horizons and perspective of the world. Our exposure to the new things in various places makes us more creative and productive.

Travel helps make Social connections and see New Cultures

Buddha statue in Sri Lanka

Travel gives you an opportunity to meet new people make friends, see new cultures and experience a new way of life.

Travel invokes a spirit of Adventure

Boating in Venice

Travel invokes a spirit of adventure. Have we not undertaken some unplanned activities like para sailing, scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking, trekking etc after getting  motivated by seeing others.

Travel brings Positivity in your Life

Iconic Lion of Singapore

Expenditure on travel is like an investment which gives you good returns in the form of bringing excitement and positivity in your life, improving your capacity to work and creating new and lasting memories for you.

Travel makes Family Bonding Strong

Twin Tower of Malasia

Spending time on your holidays keeps your family happy and united. The time spent together for enjoyment without any distractions is never forgotten.

Travel boosts your Physical, Mental and Emotional Health

Travel relieves you stress

Travelling can boost both your physical, mental health and emotional health On your travel trips, your physical activity increases on amount of exercise as a result of walking on sightseeing, adventure activities, hiking etc. You exercise a lot more during your travel trips than at home. Travelling can boost your mental health in a number of ways. Change in environment makes you feel better. The general feeling of enjoyment, happiness and excitement contributes to your mental fitness.

Travel makes you Live Longer

A glimpse of Sydney

Researchers have claimed that there is enough evidence to prove that there is a link between leisure activities like travel/adventure and overall health in later years.

Travel improves your Quality of Life as it affects your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. A Research finds that taking a vacation could help you live longer.


Types of Tourism

There are over 50 different types of tourism dictated by purpose for which the travel is undertaken. However, those most relevant for 50 plus are as follows:

Recreational Tourism

Recreational tourism involves the activities done for enjoyment, amusement, pleasure and fun.

Cultural tourism

Cultural tourism is concerned with a country’s culture, the lifestyle, the history, the art, architecture, religion and the way of life of the people,

Adventure tourism

Adventure tourism involves adventure activities like Mountaineering expeditions, trekking, bungee jumping, rafting, scuba diving and rock climbing.

Wellness and Medical tourism

 Wellness and Medical tourism is undertaken for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through medical, physical, psychological or spiritual activities.  

Religious tourism

Religious tourism. Rreferred to as faith tourism, is a type of tourism, where people travel individually or in groups for pilgrimage, missionary or even leisure.

Wild life and Eco tourism

Wild life and Eco tourism involve trips to destinations with the main purpose of visit being to observe the local flora and fauna while protecting the environment.

Sports Tourism

Sports Tourism pertain to the travel which involves either observing or participating in a sporting event.

Packaged tours vs customized tours vs Independent Tour

Packaged Tours are all inclusive tours offered by tour operators which cater for transportation, siteseeing, hotel accommodation, performances, events, activities and food. These tours are guided tours. These tours are more expensive than the independent tours but may be cheaper than the customized tours. For Fifty plus who are physically fit with no mobility problems, these tours are ideal as they give you real value for money.

Glimpses of Bali
Glimpses of Bali

Customized tours are tour packages tailored to your requirements by the tour operators. These may be escorted or unescorted depending upon the tour package. These tours may be expensive depending upon the size of the group and your specific requirements. For Fifty Plus with mobility issues, these tours would be ideal as they can be customized to your pace.

Independent Tours are tours undertaken by individuals or small groups who travel independently and unescorted as per their individual plans. These tours turn out to be cost effective and have in built flexibility but require a good amount of planning and research. For Fifty plus, these tours may be undertaken if travelling with family and friends.

Whether Group Tour or independent tour is better for you  would depend upon your requirements

Useful Travel tips

Seniors travelling on long distance international travel have some peculiar requirements depending upon their age and fitness levels. Safety and health are two primary concerns for seniors. 

Internet is full of blogs which give comprehensive useful travel tips. They are quite useful especially for first time travelers. These tips relate to planning, packing, budgeting and best places to visit etc. Everything included in these blogs may not be relevant to you, however, these sites give a good  insight into what all needs to be kept in mind while travelling. Instead of repeating these tips, I would recommend you to visit  the following sites which I found to be useful: 

Lonely Planet

Best Travel Tips

61 Travel Tips

My 30 Best Travel Tips

So, what are you waiting for? Get out of your comfort zone, identify new places, plan your trip and venture out to explore the world. Life is short and having retired, you have all the time for yourself. So, make the best use of this time by travelling to see the world.



Updated on February 23rd, 2023

Are you having  a wholesome breakfast everyday?

Or is your response one of the following ?:

-I am too busy in the morning to waste my precious time  on breakfast.

-I am avoiding breakfast as I want to cut down on my weight.

-I don’t feel hungry early in the morning.

-Breakfast makes me sluggish in  the morning.

People differ in their view on the importance of Breakfast. However, there is enough evidence to prove that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day which breaks your fast after nearly 12 hour of abstinence. It is important as it gives you the required energy to see you through the day.

Benefits of having Breakfast.

Eating Breakfast helps restore Glycogen and stabilizes levels of insulin to make you feel full, active and in good mood.

A timely Breakfast strengthens your metabolism and encourages your body to burn more calories throughout the day. This helps in controlling your weight.

A study shows that a wholesome breakfast keeps you fuller longer, preventing you from the need of having snacks.

Breakfast foods are a good source of calcium, iron, B group vitamins, proteins and fiber. The research shows that if these are missed at Breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.

According to a study, having Breakfast has both physical and mental benefits. Breakfast has a positive effect on cortisol, the primary ‘stress hormones’.  It keeps you in good mood and active through out the day.

Eating breakfast leads to better cognitive performance throughout the day, which means you’re better able to concentrate. It also improves your memory

In two groups who consumed same number of calories per day but distributed them differently, the group which consumed more calories in the morning lost an average of 17.8 pounds over three months, while those who ate less in the morning and more later in the day lost just 7.3 pounds on an average.

Breakfast: The Most Neglected Meal

Breakfast is the most neglected meal as at the start of the day, one is generally short of time and Breakfast becomes the first casualty.

The time and effort devoted to your Breakfast is the time well spent and will compensate you at the end of the day with additional energy and feeling of well being.

If you do not have Breakfast in the morning, it is quite likely that after getting busy at work you may altogether miss it.

Effects of skipping Breakfast

There are a good number of studies that show both pros and cons of eating breakfast or skipping it. However, it is seen that skipping Breakfast has more negative effects than adverse effects (if any) of having it.

I have personally tried both options ie; having breakfast and skipping it. I found that having breakfast made me more full, satisfied and energetic. Skipping breakfast made me have more snacks and beverages like tea, coffee and pre-packed juices to make up for the lack of energy. I have been regularly having a nutritious Breakfast for over 20 years and have always felt good. My weight also is under control.

Skipping Breakfast can make you more susceptible to weight gain and increase you risk for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

A research has shown that those who skipped Breakfast were much more likely to experience a heart attack or die of heart diseases.

Another has concluded that people who did not eat Breakfast had a higher risk of developing diabetes than those who had regular Breakfast.

According to some studies, only in extreme cases, if you are overweight or obese the reduction of breakfast calories may help the body in using up the fat stores for energy.

Timings for Breakfast.

Ideally, Breakfast should be eaten within two hours of  waking up. If you had a late dinner the previous night or you are following intermittent fasting, you may make adjustments but have you must have your Breakfast not later than 10 am.

Breakfast & Intermittent Fasting

Skipping Breakfast has become a common option for people for people following intermittent fasting. People tend to find it easier because generally, it’s the meal commonly taken at a time of hurry. If you have to choose between breakfast or dinner when following intermittent fasting, it is recommended that you to skip dinner but have a wholesome Breakfast.

Calories to consume during Breakfast.

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper” – Still holds true.

An active male needs to consume between 2000 to 2800 calories a day depending upon the activity level

We should all be aiming to consume around 20-35% of our daily energy intake at Breakfast. This would amount to nearly 300 to 700 calories in the Breakfast.

The calories consumed during Breakfast can be easily expended during the course of activities in the day.

Essential Nutrients Required in Breakfast. 

Proteins.   Eggs, Greek Yogurt, Nuts & Seeds, Beans, Quinoa

FatsAvocado, Nuts & Seeds, Olive oil, Fish

Complex Carbohydrates.  Oatmeal, Multigrain cereals/Bread, Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa

Fiber.   Whole grains, Fruits and Vegetables.

Essential Vitamins & Minerals. (Calcium, Iron, folate, vitamin B12). All Fruits, Nuts and Seeds, Low fat Diary products, Vegetables, Salmon

A Typical Breakfast Meal

To make your Breakfast a wholesome one, include the following three groups:

Fruits. You may take any fruits as much as you like. Give priority to local grown fresh seasonal fruits and fruits with low glycemic index. Fruits keep you full till longer due to high fiber and water contents while providing you with essential vitamins and minerals.

Complex Carbohydrates.  Take oatmeal or Quinoa fortified with nuts and seeds to provide adequate fiber to keep you full for long.

Proteins & Fats.  Include Eggs, Greek Yogurt (sprinkled with ground Flaxseeds), Sprouts and cottage cheese for a balanced breakfast. A slice of whole grain bread with butter with almond or peanut butter may be taken.

This grouping would help in getting nutrition dense Breakfast which would meet your energy requirements and provide you with essential vitamins and minerals.

Other Healthy Breakfast Options

Oats is one of the best super foods which you must include in Breakfast as it helps lower cholesterol and is also rich in omega-3 fatty acidsfolate, and potassium.

Greek Yogurt, a type of yogurt that has been strained to remove the whey, giving it a characteristically thick consistency. It is a healthy super food loaded with calcium and plenty of protein—nearly twice as much as regular yogurt. It is possible to prepare Greek Yogurt at home. Internet gives you a number of recipes for preparing Greek Yogurt at home.

Eggs are now considered as a healthy source of protein and nutrients like vitamin D. Research has shown that the cholesterol in our food has less of an impact on blood cholesterol than previously thought. People who took eggs felt more satisfied and took in fewer calories during the rest of the day.

Cereals  provide you with the necessary fiber, but be careful about choosing your Cereals as they may contain more sugar than fiber. Look out for whole-grain or bran cereals, with lots of fibre and other essential nutrients.

Sprinkling ground flaxseed into a smoothie or bowl of cereal will add essential omega-3 fatty acids. Just two tablespoons contains more than 100% of your recommended daily intake for these heart-healthy fats.

Whole wheat and other whole grains—whether they’re found in bread, toast, or in any other form—contain more fiber and nutrients than their white, refined counterparts.

Chia seeds are extremely nutritious. They’re also one of the best sources of fiber. In fact, one ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds provide nearly 11 grams of fiber per serving.


Nuts are a  great addition to breakfast because they are tasty, satisfying, nutritious, filling and help prevent weight gain. All types of nuts are also high in magnesium, potassium and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

Cottage cheese is a rich breakfast food. It’s high in protein, which increases metabolism and is as filling and satisfying as eggs.

Topping Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts provides crunch and flavor, while increasing your breakfast’s nutritional value.

Green tea may be especially helpful against diabetes and reduces blood sugar and insulin levels.  It also contains an antioxidant which may protect the brain, nervous system and heart from damage.

Fruits are a delicious part of a nourishing breakfast. All types of fruit contain vitamins, potassium, fiber and are relatively low in calories. Fruit are also very filling, due to its high fiber and water content.

Pair fruit with eggs, cheese, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt for a well-balanced breakfast that will sustain you for hours.

To sum it up all,  have a good source of protein like eggs, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, plus a high-fiber whole grain like whole wheat bread, shredded wheat cereal or oatmeal, Dairy foods like milk or yogurt to provide the extra calcium that you need for strong bones, some healthy Fats and a serving of fruit at breakfast for extra vitamins and nutrients to boost your immune system

For Indians, who are predominantly vegetarians, the healthy breakfast options may include Oats Poha, Multigrain Parathas, Vegetable Dalia, Channa Dal or Moong Dal Chilla, Idly Sambar, Cottage Cheese and Home made Yogurt.

Breakfast Considerations for Older Adults

Older adults may have a difficult time consuming adequate nutrition due to decreased absorption efficiency. Therefore, seniors are at an increased risk for malnutrition. Soft and easy-to-prepare breakfast foods are good for seniors. Eggs, oatmeal, soft fresh fruits, fresh fruit and smoothies are ideal.

There are some quick, easy and healthy ideas for seniors for ensuring nutritious Breakfast.

Foods to Avoid in Breakfast

Processed Juices including the 100% variety. Have fresh fruits in lieu.

Tea or Coffee immediately after the Breakfast. Preferably take a green tea after a gap

White Sugar in all forms.

All types of deep fried food.

White Bread. Choose the whole grain variant instead.

Flavoured Yogurt. Have plain unsweetened instead

Processed low-fiber ready to eat high sugar Breakfast Cereals.



Updated on October 18th, 2022

I am sure everyone, at some time or the other, wonders as to “What is the Purpose of his or her Life”. The associated queries which come to ones mind while seeking an answer to this question are:

Questions on Purpose of Life

-Is it the God who has created you has laid down the purpose of your life? Is it your biological parents who gave you the birth have given you the purpose of your life? Is it that you yourself have defined the purpose of your life?

-Was your Future already decided at the time of your birth itself? Was  it destined that you would be what you are today?

-Is it necessary to have a purpose of Life?

-When and from where does the purpose of life come?

-At what stage in life you are clear that you have purpose in this life which you have to achieve?

-Once you have got your purpose, does it remains constant or it changes with passage of time?

-Is the purpose of life the same as the goals that you set for yourself to achieve in your life?

These are some of the questions which generally haunt us and to which we probably have no satisfactory answer.

Your coming into this world was not your choice. It was either Gods will, destiny or an accident. You never had a choice of your parents or timing or place for coming into this world.

Having taken birth, the journey of your life began. Your personality, your character and your values developed over a period of time is a result of your upbringing and  exposure to the environment you got.


Is there a God given Purpose?

Whether there is a God given purpose for your existence or not is not clear.  If God has laid down an individual purpose for you then how is going to be communicated to you. Spiritual minds  may tell you to discover your purpose of life inside yourself by getting connected to God through spirituality and meditation.  However, for most human beings to do so does not appear easy.

Are your Goals the Purpose of Your Life?

Mostly, when we talk about purpose, we are actually talking about goals that we set for ourselves.  If our goals are giving us our purpose of life, what is the ultimate Goal of our life? Is it one of the following?

–Earning adequate Wealth

–Building strong Relationships

–Becoming a renowned Professional- viz;   Doctor,  Engineer, Pilot etc.

–Becoming powerful by achieving a position in society

–Becoming a Celebrity

–Achieving good health and fitness

–Doing something useful to the society

All  the items listed above  point toward achieving something which gives you satisfaction in life by fulfilling your material, physical and emotional needs. The satisfaction that you achieve after fulfillment of these needs is temporary and not long lasting. Once you achieve your set goal, you feel satisfied but that satisfaction is temporary and you want more.

The cycle of Goal setting and Fulfilment

So you  create now goals which again when satisfied give rise to yet another set of new goals and the cycle continues. For example, if your goal is to become a Billionaire and you are able to achieve this goal, you feel very good and on the top of the world. However, with the passage of time the satisfaction and feeling of achievement fades away. Whatever you have achieved becomes a way of your life. It does not fascinate you anymore.

You now set new goals to achieve more material wealth and your threshold of satisfaction goes higher and higher as you start comparing yourself with others who are still better than you. This way you get into a cycle of goal setting, achieving and setting worldly goals once again. In pursuit of getting more and more, you tend to lose sight of  the real purpose of life. The wealth, power and position that you earn basically results in satisfaction of your wants.

Meditation helps in focussing and concentrating your mind

Everyone’s goal in life is to avoid pain and acquire happiness, peace and wisdom. Man seeks happiness in wealth, love, sex, entertainment, liquor and even in drugs only to be disillusioned as all these pursuits do not bring a lasting joy but disappointment and distress in the end. Regular practice of Meditation  will bring your body, mind and soul in perfect harmony and will give a greater physical and mental power to achieve a successful, happy and peaceful life.

Is having a Purpose in Life necessary?

If setting and achieving goals is not the purpose of your life then what is the Purpose of Life? Is there any other purpose? Does one needs to have any other purpose?

Every venture, mission and journey has to have a purpose. Similarly Life is a journey and a mission to be fulfilled and so it has to have a purpose. Who will give this purpose?

Who will give you the Purpose of your Life?

It is you yourself who has to decide and define Purpose of Your Life to make it meaningful. For justifying your existence, you and you alone and no one else has to identify, define and create a purpose of your life.  Yes, every human being is capable of creating a purpose for himself/herself.

Essential Elements of Purpose of Life

Whatever you decide and define to be the purpose of your life, it needs to have the following four elements:

–Love whatever you are doing and do it to the best of your ability. If you do not like what you are doing and there is something else you would love to do, switch over to doing what you like and love, as soon as possible.

–Make your existence worthwhile by being useful to society. Whatever you do must contribute something to community directly or indirectly. Someone must benefit.

–Whatever you do and achieve should not be at the cost of others. There should be no injustice done to anyone.

— Introspect & practise regular meditation to harmonise you body, mind & soul.

A purpose of life once defined incorporating these four elements will give a direction and a focus to your life. Your life would become meaningful to you. By doing what you love to the best of your potential, benefiting others and practise regular meditation without hurting anyone will bring satisfaction, happiness and contentment in your life. This would eventually give you Peace of Mind. And this is is the ultimate goal of life.



Updated on September 24th, 2022

On his 60th Birthday, Antony looked no more than 45 yrs old. When people asked him,  “What is the secret of your health and good looks?” He remarked “ I have been keeping a strict watch on my diet. I have always had home cooked food to ensure that I get all essential nutrients appropriate to my age. I do’t remember when I last visited my doctor.” This is a good example of how a good diet and nutrition can add years to your age. If diet and nutrition  is neglected, the reverse is also true.

There is a very strong relationship between nutrition and healthy ageing. To age well and stay healthy and strong, you need to understand this relationship. As you age, many changes  take place in your muscles, bones, digestive system and all our internal organs. While these changes are out of your control, but your diet and nutrition which can influence these body systems and organs, is well within your control.

The daily calorie needs for men over the age of 50 are approximately:

–2,000 calories if not active.

–2,200 to 2,400 calories if moderately active.

–2,400 to 2,800 calories if regularly active.

While on one hand, you need less calories due to a sedentary life style, on the other, your requirement of nutrition goes up. Therefore, it becomes important to match your reducing food intake(caloric requirement) with the increasing nutritional requirements as you age.

What all 50 Plus need to Ensure

It is essential that all seniors pack as much nutrition into each meal as possible by concentrating on the foods rich in Essential Vitamins and  Minerals. It is important that you always consume nutrition dense meals within the limits of your calories.

You need more Proteins, Vitamin B12, B6, Calcium, Folate and Vitamin D to slow muscle loss, keep the bones strong and to slow cognitive decline. Even mild deficiency of Vitamin B12 can put older adults at risk for dementia.

A Wholesome Breakfast can be a good way to start the day to get the essential vitamins and minerals and required amount of fibre. As a fifty plus, never miss your Breakfast. Also make Breakfast the most important meal of the day.

Increase intake of potassium while reducing intake of sodium to lower risk of high blood pressure. Select and prepare foods with little or no added salt.

Consume foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s are important for reducing inflammation wherever it comes up.

Most of the fats you eat must be polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. This will help to reduce cholesterol levels and protect your heart.

Take care to consume wholesome foods which include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy plant-based fats. This will provide  you with essential vitamins and minerals and will reduce the risk of many diseases.  

Aim for five servings of fruits & vegetables each day. These are packed with important nutrients to help you stay healthy. Have a mixture of different coloured fruits and vegetables each day

Fiber and Water are other two nutrients which the 50 plus need in adequate quantity in diet.  Always stay hydrated to avoid tiredness, dizziness and constipation. Fiber helps lower your risk for heart disease and prevents type 2 diabetes.

Absorb some sunlight. Our bodies use sunshine to make Vitamin D. Vitamin D can increase serotonin levels among other benefits. Aim for half an hour of the sun exposure at least twice a week.

Add probiotics to your diet to improve your gut health. Yogurt and other fermented foods are a good source of probiotics. indian Dosa, Idli and Dhokla are a good example of cereal based fermented food.

Do not consume foods high in ‘empty calories’ like sweets and unhealthy snacks.

It is always better to get the nutrients you need from food, rather than the pill. It is because nutrient-dense food contains fibre and other things that are good for you. Supplements, if needed, must be taken only on medical advice. Remember that excess of vitamins and minerals taken through supplements can be toxic to the body.

It is important to know which are the essential Vitamins and Minerals and their sources. To make your meals nutrition-dense, we need to include ‘Super Foods’  which can give you better nutrition with less calories.

Essential Vitamins

There are 13 essential vitamins that our body needs. They are Vitamin A, B (Group of 8), C, D, E and K. These Vitamins are absorbed by the body out of the food we eat.  If we are eating a balanced diet, the body gets adequate quantity of these vitamins. Assuming that we do not have any disease or abnormality which prevents us from absorbing these vitamins, there should be no need for taking any supplements.

Click Here to see all Essential Vitamins

Essential Minerals

Unlike the 13 vitamins, there are 60 minerals required by the body to keep it going. However, only 17 are mentioned by researchers as the most important ones to keep the body working. The minerals can also be categorized into two groups: macronutrients and trace minerals. Macronutrients are required in huge quantity whereas the trace minerals as required in small quantity by the body. 

Click Here to see all Essential Minerals


Super Foods

There are certain foods which have exceptional benefits are termed as Super These foods are ‘Nutrient-Dense’ as they contain high level of much needed vitamins and minerals. They are also a source of antioxidants which shield our body from cell damage and diseases. To package the necessary nutrition in limited calories, individuals who are 50 plus need to consume these nutrient-dense super foods to make good their nutrition requirement. There is a long list of such foods that have been added all over the world. Most of the Superfoods come from the plant kingdom. Always consume Super Foods which are grown locally in your region over the others that are hyped and exported.


An oatmeal is high in fiber, antioxidants & has plenty of other nutrients. Oats help reduces your cholesterol levels, aid in digestion and even improves metabolism. Oats are also a good source of iron, calcium, and thiamin.


One egg has six grams of protein, 70 calories, and loads of healthy vitamins and minerals. Eggs are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acid, proteins and vitamin D. Eggs are considered safe in spite of their cholesterol contents as research has shown that cholesterol in our food has less impact on our blood cholesterol than previously thought.


It is packed with vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet. Broccoli stands out for its exceptionally high levels of vitamin C and folate (which can reduce risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke)

Fish and seafood

All fish are excellent sources of lean protein and iodine.It is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The bottom line is that they are essential to your diet, meaning your body cannot produce them so they must be obtained from foods you eat. Fish has long been considered “brain food,” and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Nuts and Seeds.

Nuts and Seeds are full of proteins, minerals, vitamins, fiber, healthy fats and antioxidants which are vital for the body. They are also a source of folate, calcium, zinc, potassium, manganese. These are:

  • Nuts. Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios, Hazel nuts & Pine nuts.
  • Seeds. Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Hemp seeds, Chia seeds & Flax seeds.


It belongs to the family of legumes but is treated more as a nut. The peanut is one of the most inexpensive healthy foods you can buy. Peanuts provide loads of protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are loaded with antioxidants like beta-carotene, which improves your eyes and vision health. They’re also a great source of fiber and rich in potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which helps your body fight off oxidative damage.


This rough and tough green beats out all the rest in terms of nutrition, providing more antioxidants than most other fruits and veggies. It’s also a fantastic source of fiber, calcium, and iron. 


Avocado is loaded with the healthy fats essential for life. They also contain magnesium, which helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar.


Brown Rice

Brown rice is among the healthiest (and cheapest) superfoods you can buy. It is rich in fiber and may reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases.  People who eat brown rice instead of white may help lower their risk for type 2 diabetes.


Quinoa is one of the only grains or seeds that provides all nine essential amino acids our bodies can’t produce themselves. And it has much as eight grams of proteins per one-cup serving.

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt is thicker, creamier variety of regular Yogurt.A great source of protein and calcium. Yogurt contains live cultures commonly known as probiotics. These are the “good bacteria” that keep your digestive system healthy and working smoothly and fight off harmful bacteria, boosting the immune system.


Cabbage is rich in vitamin C and K. It is a good source of potassium and detoxifying compounds that help fight potential diseases, too.


It has antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamins that promote vision and bone health. One cup of the spinach packs up to 12 percent of the recommended daily dose of calcium and enough vitamin K to help prevent bone loss .


  • Strawberries. Strawberries are a sweet source of disease-fighting antioxidants. It is rich in fiber and it has more vitamin C than an orange.
  • Blueberries. Recent research suggests that blueberries are rich in nutrients that help to fight chronic diseases. They are nutritional superstars, filled with fiber, vitamin C, and cancer-fighting compounds.
  • Goji berries. Goji berries contain a lot of vitamin C and are rich in plant-based antioxidants and compounds.
  • Cranberries Cranberries have a number of health benefits and disease-fighting powers. These help fight inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve oral health, help prevent ulcers and may even inhibit the growth of some human cancer cells

Beans and Legumes.

These are rich source of proteins, fiber, iron  and vitamin B. They help in reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels and increasing healthy gut bacteria. These contain folate, manganese and thiamine.  These are:

Green Tea

It is an antioxidant which has been used as a natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart disease. It contains a phytochemical that slows irregular cell growth, which could potentially help prevent the growth of some cancers.

Cacao/Cocoa Powder

Like chocolate, cacao powder contains flavonoids, which are known to help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain and heart. With fewer than 15 calories per tablespoon and containing almost no fat, cacao provides a strong chocolate flavor without the guilt. 

 Herbs and Spices

  • Garlic. It  contains vitamins C and B6, manganese, selenium and other antioxidants.It is used to treat anything from high blood pressure and heart disease to certain types of cancer.
  • Ginger. Health benefits include relieving nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness, and pain.
  • Turmeric  It contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatoryand antioxidant properties.  It is also an excellent source of fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium.


Citrus fruits.

Oranges, lemons, limes, pineapple, tangerine and grapefruit are all rich in fiber and vitamin C, as well as the bioflavonoids that boost the immune system and aid in tissue growth and repair.

Other Lesser Known Superfoods

As there is no strict definition of Superfoods, there are a number of other foods which are termed as superfoods due to their high nutrition contents. If these superfoods are locally grown in your region, prioritise them over the others. These are listed below: