Change your Lifestyle. Live the Natural Way
Updated on September 21st, 2022

Nature Created us to be Healthy
Man is born in this world without anything, in birthday clothes. Nature has created everything for us to survive and live a healthy life. It has made the world very beautiful with all the flora and fauna, crops, clean air and sufficient water – everything that human beings need for a healthy and happy living. In olden days people were enjoying unprocessed fresh food, clean air and water. Their lifestyle was close to nature. Living the natural way made their bodies capable of curing themselves by providing it the right immunity against harmful organisms.
Exposure to natural surroundings not only makes one feel energetic but also improves his physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The feel of fresh clean air, the chirping of birds and scenic beauty of natural life rejuvenates you.
Modern Technology has moved us away from nature
Today, we are living in an artificial world and rarely find access to natural clean, hygienic and fresh air, food and water. Vast stretches of natural vegetation and lakes have been converted to concrete jungles. We have polluted everything without taking into account its’ side effects. Pesticides and chemicals used to enhance yield have resulted in compromising the nutritional value of food. Food has become processed and artificially flavoured. The promotion of pharmaceutical industry has made us dependent on drugs and supplements to make good the deficiencies in nutrition, which nature would normally otherwise provide. The life has become competitive, fast and materialistic resulting in high stress levels. The information revolution and our addiction to computers and cell phones has made the matter worse. All this is the reason for all our ill health and so called ‘Modern Day Life Style Diseases.
How can you make your lifestyle closest to nature.
Aim for Holistic Wellness
For holistic health, we must treat both mind and body. Scientific studies have established a connection between mind and body. All diseases are a result of multiple causes pertaining to mind and body. Therefore it is important to apply an approach to life which provides for overall wellbeing of physical, mental and emotional health. A balanced diet, appropriate physical exercise and movement and natural measures to manage and control stress are important measures to live in a manner the nature wants us to live. The healthy lifestyle should be according to the laws of nature. Adhering to its principles will improve your immunity, resist disease and give you live a long, healthy and useful life.
Food is the most important medicine
Hippocrates said, “Let food be our medicine.” Our body is a chemical processing factory, the raw material for it is food. Most of us aren’t getting the nutrients we need. A good diet is essential to produce high quality of nutrients. Living with nature advocates balanced diet made from raw and unrefined foods life vegetable and fruits, sprouts, wholemeal bread and salads. Live naturally, eat plant based diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. These will improve your digestion and give you all the energy you need.
Move and Exercise more
Mechanisation and automation have resulted in lack to movement and exercise. To exercise body and keep it toned, the techniques Lake yoga, breathing exercises, stretching weight training are Important. In olden days, people used to get adequate exercise by doing their daily chores, walking, cycling and so on. Today, people have to take out dedicated time for necessary exercise and workout for the body needs.
Control your Mind
Manage stress Naturally. Stress is the by-product of modern day living. Some stress is good for you but too much can cause anxiety and poor health. A mild stress is acceptable as it gives your necessary motivation and strength to accomplish your tasks, but in today’s competitive world, the heavy demands are placed on you which far exceed your resources and capability and is leading to early burn out. There are natural methods you can use to control your mind to help you in stress relief like meditating, deep breathing and yoga.
What you can do
1. Get back to the basics of living in harmony with nature
2. Buy Local ; Buy Organic
– Buy organic products grown locally and directly from source as far as possible. Wherever possible, grow your own vegetables and fruits. Always cook your own meals and avoid eating outside.
3. Be predominantly Vegetarian.
—Remember, Humans are anatomically designed to be Vegetarians. Therefore try to be predominantly Vegetarian. Restrict the intake on non vegetarian food, if you can’t avoid it altogether.
4. Always stay Hydrated
—Make it a habit to drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water everyday.
5. Spend more time outdoors
—Look for natural ways to stay fit. Spend more time outdoors and opt for walking and cycling, whenever going for short distances. Use the staircase over the lift. Park your vehicle at a distance from your destination and enjoy the scenery as you walk. Take out time to play your favourite sport. Play with your children outdoors. Make it a point to find time to stretch every day.
6. Embrace Naturopathy
—Embrace Naturopathy as it includes exercise like Yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, oil massages, sauna etc and host of other natural treatments which aid the body’s natural healing process while helping to release toxins from the body. It has no side effects.
—Make yoga, breathing exercises and meditation your daily habit. These natural approaches are designed to minimise stress and make you feel more peaceful.
—Include natural immune boosting foods, herbs and essential oils that help you protect your body from become sick.
—Avoid products made from chemicals and all the factory produced packaged and processed food, as far as possible.
—Treat Yourself with Natural Body Massages. These massages relax the muscles and helps in rejuvenating the body cells
7. Embrace Spirituality
–Studies have proved that spiritual people enjoy a better health and live longer. Such people are always calm, mentally strong and have a better immunity to cope up with illness and suffering
8. Stay in clean and pollution-free environment
—If you can help it, stay away from cities at a place which provides you clean and pollution-free environment. Improved living environment resulting from reduced toxin exposure, safer and green surroundings not only adds life to your years but also adds years to your life.
9. For Self Care use herbal & natural products
For self care, use of artificial/chemical cosmetics, lotions, deodorants, lipstick, soaps etc can harm human skin and other parts of body. Use non-toxic cosmetics, herbal skin care products and toiletries. You may even use normal edible oil like coconut, olive or mustard oil in lieu of expensive lotions for personal care.
10. Internet Fasting
–In addition to occasional food fasting, periodically, switch off and detach from all your electronic devices for a while and take a break. This fasting will improve your performance.
11. Plant a tree every year
–The least we can do to repay to Mother Earth is to take a vow to plant at least on tree every year.
12. Implement Environment-Friendly Measures
–Use Solar energy extensively and green building concept to get natural lighting and air, where possible.
–Use Electric Vehicle, Car-Pool or Public Transport
–Always use Energy_Efficient appliances.
–Conserve Electricity by switching off lights and appliances when not in use.
Our Gains: Lasting Wellness at Lesser Cost
Thus, apart from keeping the planet green, natural living helps in improving health and wellness. The healthy lifestyle should be according to the laws of nature. Adhering to its principles will improve your immunity, resist disease and give you live a long, healthy and useful life. As an additional benefit, natural living costs less than the alternatives provided by modern technology.
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