Work-Life Balance after Retirement

Updated on September 21st, 2022

work life balance after retirementRelevance of Work-Life Balance after Retirement

When one talks about work life balance, one is generally referring to balancing the time spent on work to the demands of one’s personal life. Is the work life balance relevant after Retirement? One may argue that once the person stops working, then where is requirement of a balance when the entire time is available towards personal life.

But the fact is that after Retirement, you do not stop working, but continue to work, with a difference that now you only work for yourself. The nature of your activities undergo a change. You are no more under obligation or binding and you do not take orders from others but are your own master.

There is a lot that you can do after retirement like creating something new that you are proud of, serving others, building your community, making strong relationships, and countless other forms of pursuits that are deeply rewarding. At times people become more busy after retirement due to their engagement in activities which they love and like. So, after retirement, what is required may be termed as Activity-Life balance instead of work-life balance.

Activity-Life Balance

But time is a finite resource and needs to be closely monitored and effectively utilised. If not judiciously used, it passes fast without you realising it. The days will pass into weeks, weeks into months and months into years, when you look back as to what you have achieved during the golden period of your time. The great contradiction of the retired life is that there appears so much time, and yet so very little of it. Retirement, after all, marks the beginning of your final phase of life.

Activities after Retirement

Productive Activities

Some retirees  take up a part-time job just to supplement their income or if they do not have adequate pastimes. Some others spend  their time in productive and creative activities  like reading, writing, blogging, painting, cooking, gardening, learning new skill etc. Your daily physical exercise, work out and meditation etc also forms part of this group.

Pastimes for Pleasure

Activities for Pleasure and Entertainment through hobbies, pastimes, holidaying and adventure. It includes your time taken for playing your games, watching movies, listening to music, taking a walk with your dog etc


Activities which involve socialisation and spending time with near and dear ones. These are mainly group activities.

Pre-occupation with Electronic Devices

Of late, an additional activity which takes away a good chunk of retiree’s time is their pre-occupation with electronic devices like smart phone, tab and laptop etc.

How to Balance Life after Retirement

There is a need to balance all the groups of activities mentioned above to get the most out of the time left in your life after retirement. Any imbalance in activities would result in devoting too much of time in one at the cost of other.

Spending too much of time on your productive engagements may be at the cost of your entertainment and socialisation. Similarly, spending too much of your time on activities like Golf, would leave very little time with your family and children/grandchildren. Over-socialisation may take a toll on your health and may deprive of your productive activities like  exercise, stimulation of your mind and other creative endeavours. Addiction to your electronic devices may result in  spending a disproportionate time on social media, messaging and other apps, thereby leaving little time for other activities.

Therefore one must make a conscious effort to track one’s time and spend it on a mix of activities which gives satisfaction and sense of fulfilment.

Structure your time

Schedule your time by laying down broad time-slots for each group of  activities. Structure it, but not strictly as it was being done for your working life. Have built in flexibility.

Have a Routine for everything

To name a few, you may have a morning routine which includes exercise, meditation, breakfast etc. Working routine which includes your time for productive and fulfilling activities, routines for socialisation, pastimes and entertainments, routine for your social media and messaging apps,  bedtime routine and so on. Routine forces you to stick to your plans which you have laid down for yourself. This way you are able to make the best use of your time. At the same time you do not miss out any activity which you are required to do.

Club your activities to get the best out of your time

Try and club activities which can be enjoyed with  family and friends such as hiking, playing games, swimming, dancing, cooking etc. Travel Frequently. It breaks the monotony of your routine life and brings in excitement and positivity in you life.

Devote time for adequate Rest

Taking rest is a productive activity as it rejuvenates and renews you. It is a kind of investment to improve your productivity and wellbeing.

Track & Fulfil you Bucket List

Make a Bucket List, if you do not have one. Make all out efforts to achieve all items in it before it is too late. Your list may include places to travel, skills to learn, people to meet, and doing anything else that matter to you most. Life is not endless, and you may not have the adequate strength to achieve many of the activities, if you postpone them indefinitely.

Use Technology to your advantage

Don’t be averse to Technology, but make use of it effectively. It  can automate many of your activities and add to the quality of your life. Your apps can help your manage your time. At the same exercise caution.Technology has literally increased the time on screen leaving very little time for outdoor activities and face to face socialisation. Switch off and detach from you devices at times and  take a break. Observe ‘Internet Fasting’ once in a while.

Develop a Habit of Writing a Diary

Writing a dairy is a good habit and helps you in analysing how you are doing. You probably want to know what you’re going to do when you wake up in the morning. So make a list of the important things which matter. At the end of the day, take a stock of what worked and what didn’t, what went wrong and how can you can set it right. Introspect by self-examination and self-analyses with the aim to improve.

“Everyone must learn to analyse himself dispassionately. Write down your thoughts and aspirations daily. Find out what you – not what you imagine you are! – because you want to make yourself what you ought to be. Most People don’t change because they don’t see their own faults.”

Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

Discover your Purpose of Life

One of the important challenges in the golden period is finding purpose and meaning in life. Having a clear purpose of life is the  key to achieving  contentment and eventually peace of mind. Embrace Spirituality. Spiritual People  have a clear purpose which makes their lives meaningful. They are clear on: “Why am I here?” and “What kind of Impact do I want to make in the world?”

Leave a Legacy

Remember, you have only one life and so make the best of it.  Have you ever thought as to what would people say about you at your funeral. What legacy are you going to leave behind after you depart this world. I am sure you always would like to leave a legacy behind to be remembered for your values and deeds which mattered to people close to you. So, there is a need to make a conscious effort towards this and try to leave a legacy which keeps your memories alive even after you leave this world.

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