Updated on February 23rd, 2023

Are you having  a wholesome breakfast everyday?

Or is your response one of the following ?:

-I am too busy in the morning to waste my precious time  on breakfast.

-I am avoiding breakfast as I want to cut down on my weight.

-I don’t feel hungry early in the morning.

-Breakfast makes me sluggish in  the morning.

People differ in their view on the importance of Breakfast. However, there is enough evidence to prove that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day which breaks your fast after nearly 12 hour of abstinence. It is important as it gives you the required energy to see you through the day.

Benefits of having Breakfast.

Eating Breakfast helps restore Glycogen and stabilizes levels of insulin to make you feel full, active and in good mood.

A timely Breakfast strengthens your metabolism and encourages your body to burn more calories throughout the day. This helps in controlling your weight.

A study shows that a wholesome breakfast keeps you fuller longer, preventing you from the need of having snacks.

Breakfast foods are a good source of calcium, iron, B group vitamins, proteins and fiber. The research shows that if these are missed at Breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.

According to a study, having Breakfast has both physical and mental benefits. Breakfast has a positive effect on cortisol, the primary ‘stress hormones’.  It keeps you in good mood and active through out the day.

Eating breakfast leads to better cognitive performance throughout the day, which means you’re better able to concentrate. It also improves your memory

In two groups who consumed same number of calories per day but distributed them differently, the group which consumed more calories in the morning lost an average of 17.8 pounds over three months, while those who ate less in the morning and more later in the day lost just 7.3 pounds on an average.

Breakfast: The Most Neglected Meal

Breakfast is the most neglected meal as at the start of the day, one is generally short of time and Breakfast becomes the first casualty.

The time and effort devoted to your Breakfast is the time well spent and will compensate you at the end of the day with additional energy and feeling of well being.

If you do not have Breakfast in the morning, it is quite likely that after getting busy at work you may altogether miss it.

Effects of skipping Breakfast

There are a good number of studies that show both pros and cons of eating breakfast or skipping it. However, it is seen that skipping Breakfast has more negative effects than adverse effects (if any) of having it.

I have personally tried both options ie; having breakfast and skipping it. I found that having breakfast made me more full, satisfied and energetic. Skipping breakfast made me have more snacks and beverages like tea, coffee and pre-packed juices to make up for the lack of energy. I have been regularly having a nutritious Breakfast for over 20 years and have always felt good. My weight also is under control.

Skipping Breakfast can make you more susceptible to weight gain and increase you risk for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

A research has shown that those who skipped Breakfast were much more likely to experience a heart attack or die of heart diseases.

Another has concluded that people who did not eat Breakfast had a higher risk of developing diabetes than those who had regular Breakfast.

According to some studies, only in extreme cases, if you are overweight or obese the reduction of breakfast calories may help the body in using up the fat stores for energy.

Timings for Breakfast.

Ideally, Breakfast should be eaten within two hours of  waking up. If you had a late dinner the previous night or you are following intermittent fasting, you may make adjustments but have you must have your Breakfast not later than 10 am.

Breakfast & Intermittent Fasting

Skipping Breakfast has become a common option for people for people following intermittent fasting. People tend to find it easier because generally, it’s the meal commonly taken at a time of hurry. If you have to choose between breakfast or dinner when following intermittent fasting, it is recommended that you to skip dinner but have a wholesome Breakfast.

Calories to consume during Breakfast.

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper” – Still holds true.

An active male needs to consume between 2000 to 2800 calories a day depending upon the activity level

We should all be aiming to consume around 20-35% of our daily energy intake at Breakfast. This would amount to nearly 300 to 700 calories in the Breakfast.

The calories consumed during Breakfast can be easily expended during the course of activities in the day.

Essential Nutrients Required in Breakfast. 

Proteins.   Eggs, Greek Yogurt, Nuts & Seeds, Beans, Quinoa

FatsAvocado, Nuts & Seeds, Olive oil, Fish

Complex Carbohydrates.  Oatmeal, Multigrain cereals/Bread, Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa

Fiber.   Whole grains, Fruits and Vegetables.

Essential Vitamins & Minerals. (Calcium, Iron, folate, vitamin B12). All Fruits, Nuts and Seeds, Low fat Diary products, Vegetables, Salmon

A Typical Breakfast Meal

To make your Breakfast a wholesome one, include the following three groups:

Fruits. You may take any fruits as much as you like. Give priority to local grown fresh seasonal fruits and fruits with low glycemic index. Fruits keep you full till longer due to high fiber and water contents while providing you with essential vitamins and minerals.

Complex Carbohydrates.  Take oatmeal or Quinoa fortified with nuts and seeds to provide adequate fiber to keep you full for long.

Proteins & Fats.  Include Eggs, Greek Yogurt (sprinkled with ground Flaxseeds), Sprouts and cottage cheese for a balanced breakfast. A slice of whole grain bread with butter with almond or peanut butter may be taken.

This grouping would help in getting nutrition dense Breakfast which would meet your energy requirements and provide you with essential vitamins and minerals.

Other Healthy Breakfast Options

Oats is one of the best super foods which you must include in Breakfast as it helps lower cholesterol and is also rich in omega-3 fatty acidsfolate, and potassium.

Greek Yogurt, a type of yogurt that has been strained to remove the whey, giving it a characteristically thick consistency. It is a healthy super food loaded with calcium and plenty of protein—nearly twice as much as regular yogurt. It is possible to prepare Greek Yogurt at home. Internet gives you a number of recipes for preparing Greek Yogurt at home.

Eggs are now considered as a healthy source of protein and nutrients like vitamin D. Research has shown that the cholesterol in our food has less of an impact on blood cholesterol than previously thought. People who took eggs felt more satisfied and took in fewer calories during the rest of the day.

Cereals  provide you with the necessary fiber, but be careful about choosing your Cereals as they may contain more sugar than fiber. Look out for whole-grain or bran cereals, with lots of fibre and other essential nutrients.

Sprinkling ground flaxseed into a smoothie or bowl of cereal will add essential omega-3 fatty acids. Just two tablespoons contains more than 100% of your recommended daily intake for these heart-healthy fats.

Whole wheat and other whole grains—whether they’re found in bread, toast, or in any other form—contain more fiber and nutrients than their white, refined counterparts.

Chia seeds are extremely nutritious. They’re also one of the best sources of fiber. In fact, one ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds provide nearly 11 grams of fiber per serving.


Nuts are a  great addition to breakfast because they are tasty, satisfying, nutritious, filling and help prevent weight gain. All types of nuts are also high in magnesium, potassium and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

Cottage cheese is a rich breakfast food. It’s high in protein, which increases metabolism and is as filling and satisfying as eggs.

Topping Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts provides crunch and flavor, while increasing your breakfast’s nutritional value.

Green tea may be especially helpful against diabetes and reduces blood sugar and insulin levels.  It also contains an antioxidant which may protect the brain, nervous system and heart from damage.

Fruits are a delicious part of a nourishing breakfast. All types of fruit contain vitamins, potassium, fiber and are relatively low in calories. Fruit are also very filling, due to its high fiber and water content.

Pair fruit with eggs, cheese, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt for a well-balanced breakfast that will sustain you for hours.

To sum it up all,  have a good source of protein like eggs, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, plus a high-fiber whole grain like whole wheat bread, shredded wheat cereal or oatmeal, Dairy foods like milk or yogurt to provide the extra calcium that you need for strong bones, some healthy Fats and a serving of fruit at breakfast for extra vitamins and nutrients to boost your immune system

For Indians, who are predominantly vegetarians, the healthy breakfast options may include Oats Poha, Multigrain Parathas, Vegetable Dalia, Channa Dal or Moong Dal Chilla, Idly Sambar, Cottage Cheese and Home made Yogurt.

Breakfast Considerations for Older Adults

Older adults may have a difficult time consuming adequate nutrition due to decreased absorption efficiency. Therefore, seniors are at an increased risk for malnutrition. Soft and easy-to-prepare breakfast foods are good for seniors. Eggs, oatmeal, soft fresh fruits, fresh fruit and smoothies are ideal.

There are some quick, easy and healthy ideas for seniors for ensuring nutritious Breakfast.

Foods to Avoid in Breakfast

Processed Juices including the 100% variety. Have fresh fruits in lieu.

Tea or Coffee immediately after the Breakfast. Preferably take a green tea after a gap

White Sugar in all forms.

All types of deep fried food.

White Bread. Choose the whole grain variant instead.

Flavoured Yogurt. Have plain unsweetened instead

Processed low-fiber ready to eat high sugar Breakfast Cereals.