What makes Retirement the most important Life Changing Activity
Updated on October 15th, 2022
Retirement is a fairly new concept
Retirement is a fairly new concept instituted in the late 19th century with the aim of providing relief to workforce which cross the age of 60-65 on one hand and vacating positions for the new generation to fill on the other. At that time, the average life expectancy was close to the retirement age, with very few living up to that age. With improved life expectancy, today, a person retiring at the age of 60 has nearly 20 to 30 years more to live. Today people take retirement not because they are incapable of working due to age, but because having worked for nearly 30 to 40 years, people look forward to time for leisure and enjoyment. As far as productivity is concerned, at age 60, one is still productive as unlike olden days one had to perform primarily physical work as against predominantly mental work today, requiring experience and wisdom.
Retirement is one of the most important life changing activities.
It can be compared to another important life changing activity like getting married and calls for a lot of planning (courtship) and adjustment into the new life. The process starts with planning of retirement itself. The major plans that one has to make include Financial plan, deciding the place of residence, the social circle, health, medical and wellness issues and plan for activities, hobbies and pastimes to keep one busy.
The Excitement of Retirement
From just short of retirement and stretching up to the Retirement date, is the period of excitement for a retiree. It all includes final touches to the plans already made, the send off and farewell speeches where your contribution to the organisation, are highlighted (some genuine, some exaggerated). One is made to feel important and honoured with gifts and niceties. One is excited to enter into another phase of life where he can now enjoy a life of leisure and freedom. Initial period of Retirement is full of relaxation and enjoyment with free time for Golf, socialisation, travel and enjoyment. This period can be equated with the ‘honeymoon period’ immediately after marriage. This may continue for few months after which one realises that the pleasure of everyday golfing, frequent travel, socialisation and entertainment was waning out. The boredom starts to set in. The physical limitation and other health related issues also start showing up. One realises that It is not easy to hack daily Golf, frequent travels and social entertainments due to physical limitations which were not envisaged earlier. Also while one was busy and fully occupied during his working life, certain minor physical ailments were not felt or often not noticed. But after retirement, these issues become prominent and a concern.
Facing the Retirement Blues
Gradually, one also starts to feel the loss of identity, the purpose of life and how to meaningfully and productively fill the ample time available at his disposal. One start realising that the experience of Retirement so far was not as one had envisaged. At times, one starts feeling guilty of having too much of leisure. The feeling of ageing with fear of sickness and health also start haunting, at times.
The older you grow, the more isolated you become. Your number of social contacts will start to diminish. Many younger people who used to admire you when you were in position will have no or very little time for you now. There would be other times when you are not at your best. You are anxious, worried and lethargic for no specific reason. You fell low and lack energy. Life appears worthless to you. This is when one starts having bouts of anxiety and stress which further harms both the physical and mental health. The current pandemic has added to the woes of Retirees. The lock down, isolation, higher vulnerability and uncertainty about future has added to the anxiety and has led many on the verge of depression.
Everyone retiree goes through this experience, although the degree and effect may vary. It is important to identify this phase and make necessary amends to get over it. So, it is important to face and accept the hard realities of life and re-orientate yourself by making necessary changes to your life style and routine.
The need to Re-orientate
Re-schedule your time and create a Routine. Make a routine which balances leisure and entertainment with activities which give you a feeling of fulfilment. Your routine must cater for time for your wellness activities, your productive pastimes, entertainment and socialisation. If you are able to achieve a healthy mix of activities at the end to the day, you will feel satisfied. This makes you look forward to the next day. The benefit of routine is that it makes you feel relevant and wanted. The day or the moment you have to wonder as to ‘what should I do now’, you are not making a good use of your time. At times it would be well in order to take a break from your set routine and have a feeling of ‘Let Go’. Do things that you feel like doing even though it is not strictly a part of your routine.
Develop Hobbies and pastimes. Everyone knows that having pastimes and hobbies is a good way of utilising time, but there are many retirees who do not have any specific hobbies to follow. So, create Hobbies and Pastimes, if you have none. Just see what you love doing. It could be a simple thing like reading, listening to music, gardening, watching documentaries, cooking and so on.
Join a community of like-minded people and socialise. Even using social media to connect with others is a good option. You can always find and connect to people of ‘your type’ just with a click on your computer or smartphone.
Make yourself useful to others. Volunteer and be of service to someone. With your experience and inclination you can always find areas in which you can be of help to others. Even simple things like participating in activities of your resident welfare associations will make you feel better.
Always try and Learn something new. This will exercise your mental faculties and prevent cognitive decline. Even a small thing like learning and mastering tips and tricks of using your smart mobile phone will give you a good boost. In this high tech age, there is a lot which retirees need to update on. So, do not ever feel that you are too old to learn.
Stay in Shape. Do regular work out right for your age and and stay in shape. Exercise will help you releasing endorphins which will trigger a positive feeling in the body. Also pay attention to nutrition and eat right for your age. Keeping the right weight is a sure shot insurance against all life style diseases.
Find a Purpose and meaning in life. Don’t think that you have to do any thing fancy and special to discover your purpose in life. Simply engage in activities which you love and be kind and useful to others. This will make your life meaningful and give you satisfaction.
Keep your mind in check. Your mind is generally engrossed in unwanted thoughts, mostly concerning regrets of the past or fear of the future, which adversely affects your physical, mental and emotional health. Meditation pacifies your mind and helps in managing your stress and prevent negative thinking.
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